Tuesday, September 30, 2008



September 30, 2008

We had a busy week in Angelville last week. The students completed their Beatitude's and tear art project that went along with their symbol of how we live out the Beatitudes in our St. Al's community. They look magnificent and are up in the classroom to remind us each day of how we can continue to live them out in our community.

We also completed our FRONT PAGE NEWSPAPERS. The students wrote personal narratives in class and then typed them out in the computer lab. We seem to enjoy using the computers, we will do more of that in the future. I plan to have pictures of the beatitudes and the new papers up on the blog spot later today. The new papers are on display in the hall and I will keep them up through parent conferences. If you have not signed up for a time to meet with me for parent conferences please do so in the office at school. Teacher/Parent conferences will be held October 15 and 16th.

As a reminder I ask that you check your child's planner each night. If anything is circled it means that your child did not complete that assignment in class and needs to complete it at home or in homework club after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Homework club is $4 for the hour. I want to thank everyone for getting their Friday Folders back to school on Monday. Homework packets went home and are due back this Friday, October 3rd. Please make sure that your child is completing all of the tasks on the front page of the homework packet. I noticed last week that many were missing a few pages of their homework packet.

This week our ROCK STAR of the week is Hanna! Hanna has been an excellent Administrative Assistant in Angelville and I have really enjoyed all of her help these past few weeks. Thanks Hanna!!

Enjoy the wonderful blue sunny days,

Miz Schmutz

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Angelville News 2

September 23, 2008
Hope everyone is enjoying this final week in September. May our fall be just as joyous as our September.
We have had 3 great weeks of school thus far. I have been very impressed with all of my students. They are a creative group who seem to enjoy hands on projects and spending time in the computer lab working on their Newspaper articles. We are hoping to complete those this week and have them on display in the hall for all to enjoy.
Conferences are coming up here in a few weeks and I want to remind everyone to send in their top 3 time picks to meet with your child's teacher.
This week in Angelville:
Reading: I have posted on the blog what we will be doing in Maniac Magee this week. The reading work should be done in the classroom. If your child is bringing home reading work it is because they are not using their time wisely in the classroom during reading time.
Math: We have started Rocket Math. If your child does not pass their level of Rocket Math on the 4th try they will be bringing it home for you to sign. Please practice the multiplication and division facts with your child at home. This can be done, in the car, taking a walk and making dinner. We completed our bar graphs and they are on display outside our room.
LA: Front Page Newspapers
Religion: Finishing up how we use the Beatitudes in our St. Alphonsus community. Then, showing this in a Tear Art Design Project.
Social Studies: We will begin learning about the 5 themes of geography and using the 5 themes to better understand Washington.
Science: Life Cycle of a Salmon. Creating our own visual Life Cycles.
Reminders: Homework Packets are due Friday morning.
Hope you all enjoy this sun we have today!
God Bless,
Miz Schmutz

Friday, September 19, 2008

Picture Day

Today was picture day at St. Al's. The kids were in their best dress. They love this day where they do not have to wear their uniforms. They have spirit and enjoy showing off that article of clothing they have been waiting to wear. We had our first auction in Angelville and it went well. I plan on having auctions every two Fridays. The kids are aware that not all auction items will be auctioned on auction day. I thank those who have donated to the Angelville Auctions and will gladly accept more for future auctions.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


MANIAC MAGEE – Chapters 12-17 (pgs.41-63)
Reading work for the 4th week of school, September 22 – 26th.

Chapter 12 (41-44)
1. Describe Amanda’s family with one-sentence descriptions for each character, Mrs. Beale, Mr. Beale, Hester and Lester.
2. How did Maniac get an address?
3. Do you think Maniac is a good name for Jeffrey Magee? Why?
4. If you had a nickname what would it be and why?

Chapter 13 (p.45-49)
1. How did the Beale house change once Maniac joined it?
2. What strange allergy did Maniac have? Why did he have this allergy?

Chapter 14 (50-53)
Word Wizard
Solitude (50) converged (51)

1. Why did Maniac love being with the Beales?
2. What did Maniac observe about the East End colors? (51)

Chapter 15 (54-56)
Word Wizard
Poleax (54) aardvark (56) unbeknownst (56)

1. In chapter 13, Maniac says that, “lying on a mattress gave him a weird feeling of slowly rising on a scoop of mashed potatoes.” (Draw a picture to illustrate this thought) p. 46

Chapter 17 (59-63)
Word Wizard
Croaking (61) ranting (61)

1. Draw a picture of the fire hydrant at Green and Chestnut on the hot day in August that was depicted in Chapter 17.
2. How did Chapter 17 end?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rocket Math

Rocket Math Up-Date

Rocket Math has started. If your son/daughter did not reach his/her goal on a rocket math level he/she will have to re-do that level the following day. If your son/daughter does not reach his/her goal by the fourth day, you will need to sign their rocket math sheet and return it to school. This way I know you have been practicing at home and realize that your child is on their 5th try for that particular level. You will begin to see rocket math practice sheets coming home. When they do it is your clue that your child did not reach their goal for that level. Please call me at school if you continue to have questions concerning rocket math. Thanks!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Locks/Salmon Ladder

We had a wonderful field trip. The kids were in great spirit and very well behaved. I felt so lucky that we could walk from school and have such an incredible experience. Please talk to your son/daughter about their trip to the locks and salmon ladder.



September 15, 2008

Our trip to Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and Lake Washington Ship Canal Fish Ladder was a hit last Friday. We had an excellent tour by one of the guides in the park. She explained how the locks work, why we need the locks, and then gave us a wonderful informative presentation about the salmon from the salmon viewing room. What a great way to learn, hands on. I want to give a very special THANK YOU, to Mrs. Bjolstad and Mrs. Martin for taking time out of their day to be with us on our field trip. The day could not have been brighter!
A special THANKS to all of our 4th grade families who attended Back To School Night. I enjoyed getting to meet most all of you. Please call me at school or leave me a message on my e-mail if you have any questions or concerns.

*Friday the 19th are school photographs. Your child will take their individual photos and will need to be in their best dress.

*Homework packets went out today and will need to be returned Friday morning the 19th.

*If work during the day is not completed it needs to go home and returned the next day. If it is not returned the next day it is considered late. If it is not returned the following day I will no longer accept the work. Students who are absent due to illness will get a few extra days to complete all of their work.

Math: We are reviewing in multiplication, division and fractions, depending on the math group that your child is in. Tomorrow we will begin some time on graphs. I will go over a graph sample and how you collect data to show in a graph. This week your child will need to collect data on a topic and show in a graph the results. Rocket Math will also begin.
Reading: We are reading Maniac Magee. We will finish up with chapter 11 this Friday and have a mini comprehension quiz.
Spelling: If your child received 100 on their pre-test they do not have to take the test on Friday. However, they do need to complete the homework packet.
Social Studies: This week we will begin talking about longitude and latitude. Students will use their birthdays as coordinates.
Science: Life Cycle of a Salmon.
Religion: How we can live out the Beatitudes in our St. Alphonsus community.
Writing: Working on Personal Narratives and their Front Page Newspapers.

by, Serafima

We jump

we skip

we leap, like trout

It's hard

no reward, up the salmon ladder

to spawn

Finally we spawn
