Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I am sending home a review sheet with what will be on the Math final quiz tomorrow. I was going to have it on Friday and then was reminded by one of my students that Friday is half day and mostly JR. Olympics. So it will be tomorrow. We did some review today. The review sheet is what the quiz will look like, no surprises.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Bon Dia

June 2, 2009

Week 37



*Mrs. Requarth, and Mrs. Bjolstad for going along and helping the students.

*Mr. Healy for organizing the community service project, it was great and we hope to do more of that sort of thing in the future.


*Thursday night, June 4th the students need to be in their classrooms by 6:30pm in order to prepare for the concert. After the concert please pick up your child back in the classroom.

*Friday, June 5th, is the day of Junior Olympics. Their will be games to play outside. I ask that the students bring their costumes and then something to change into for field day. They may wear swim suits under shorts and t-shirts. They may want to bring clothing to change into after field day. Students will be dismissed to go home at 12:30pm.

*Regular dress code next week. We will celebrate mass on both Monday and Wednesday of next week.

*Wednesday, June 10th, last day of school. Students will receive their grades and dismissed at 11am.


*Science research space object is due tomorrow. If your student does not complete it in the lab today they will be bringing it home to complete tonight.

*Independent reading work will be due this Friday. Any work not completed in class will need to be completed at home.

*All library books are due. If your child has a book that is not turned in, you will be charged $5 for paper back and $10 for hard back books. I will send you a note if your child is missing a book.

*Grades and a QRI (Qualitative Reading Inventory) will also go home on Wednesday, June 10th. This report will show the level at which your child was reading in the fall, and where he/she is currently reading.