Monday, June 7, 2010

Angelville Newsletter

WEEK 37, Last week of school
June 7, 2010

This will be the last Angelville Blog post for the year.

-Grades will go home on Friday
-Last school mass is at 9am on Friday
-Awards assembly in the Gym on Friday at 10am
-Miz Schmutz will be buying the kids lunch from DICKS on Thursday, you do not need to pack them a lunch. Your student can choose from burger or cheese burger and fries. This comes from a promise I made them at the beginning of the year if they kept and brought back each week their Friday Folders.
-Math test on Wednesday
-Thursday the students will show their Power Point presentations of the companies they have research in Washington.
-This week I will try and post pictures of late field trips and the garden.

If I have forgotten anything I will send it in an e-mail.

Hoping the sun sines on us this week!

-We plan to show our Bridges Story at the Award ceremony on Friday if it works out with all others involved.