Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Putting Our Best Feet Forward

Dear Parents,

Please remind your students to put their best effort first in these last few weeks of school.  I know that we all are getting a little antsy for the end of the year to come, but we still have so much to finish up and grades have not been completed yet.  Last week I saw great writing come from this bunch.  I am really hoping this transfers over to all subject areas.  Please continue to look at your student's work in their Friday folders.  This gives you a good ideas as to how your student is doing.

Thank you,

Miz Schmutz

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This week at St. Alphonsus our theme is "PACK."  Please send in any and all boxes you can spare for this packing up our rooms project.  Best are boxes with lids or ones that we can tape closed.  Thank you to Hawk and Murray-Tuesta family for the boxes you sent in last week.  Much appreciated.

*Students will no longer be able to check out books.  All books need to start being returned to the library.

*Friday the 1st is the Kindergartner's Prayer Service.  
*Our new principal for next year will be visiting the school all day on Friday the 1st as well.  If you see Mrs. Innis please introduce yourself.

Mrs. Schmutz's 4th grade math class will take a math final quiz this Friday the 1st.  Their Math FINAL TEST over all standards learned for 4th grade this year will be on June 7th.
Friday, the 1st will also be the Maniac Magee final test.  The students have the review sheets for this test.

In reading the students continue to read books based on their reading levels.  Each reading group is reading a different book.  During reading we work on vocabulary and comprehension as well as reading in groups with each other.  I will announce the final tests for each book later this week.

I want to thank all of my students for such wonderful work in the garden.  Our garden is really thriving.  When students ask to pull weeds and cheer about it, you wonder if you have said something wrong.  It's so great to see!  3/4 West students are Super Gardeners!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Student Writing RAVES

Dear Parents,
I just want you all to know how proud I am of your students and the writing they produced in their final writing assessment today.  They all have come so far, and in my opinion, write years above their age.  I hope many of them find a love for writing, and I hope to read their published work one day.

Thank you for sharing your students with me,

Miz Schmutz

Tuesday, May 22, 2012



I am in need of boxes!  We will begin to box books up and other items in the classroom that we will not need for the remainder of the school year.  If you can give up some boxes, please send them in with your student.  Thank you!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Angelville News, May 21-25, 2012

Week 36

We were getting so used to the sun, where did it go???

As some of you may know the school is getting ready for the second phase of our retrofit this summer.  This will begin as soon as the school year (June 15th) ends.  The entire 2nd floor will be moved to the third floor the last few days of our last week.  So, if you see lots being moved around in the school you now know why.

This week is our Annual Book Fair.  I told the students that they may bring in money to purchase a new book, OR write down books for a wish list and give to mom or dad to purchase books for them.  During Library tomorrow the students will check out the fair with Sr. Miriam, at that time if they have money, they can purchase a new book.

Since the year is coming to an end we will be taking final tests etc.  Tomorrow my 4th grade math class will take their Area/Perimeter/Geometry test.  They took a practice test last Thursday, and hopefully most of them brought home their books tonight to do some added study.

Wednesday they will be taking their Final Writing Assessment.  They will get 45 minutes to complete this.  They will be given 2 prompts to choose from.  At the end of the year all of the teachers will assess these writing and then place where you son or daughter is as a writer.  This assessment will be given to their teachers for next year.

Also on Wednesday they will have a Religion quiz.  They can study their religion packets in their binders.
ITBS went well and those were turned in today.  The results will come back sometime this summer and will be given to the parents at the beginning of the year, next year.

I know we are coming to the end, but it is important that we all finish strong and do our very best to finish up the year!  If you have any questions about anything at the end here, please let me know.

*I mentioned last week about the money for the costumes.  Girls will be $15 and boys $8.  Please bring in the money this week so one of my moms can purchase the outfits by June 1st.

Thank you all and have a great week!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

REMINDERS/Jr. Achievement

A few reminders:
Friday is Science Club for 3/4 graders.
Friday night is B-I-N-G-O night.

I also want to remind parents to read the blog, and send in the money so that we can purchase the costumes for  Jr. Olympics.

Something I had forgotten in my Newsletter this week was a very HUGE THANKS to all of the parents who participated in Staff Appreciation week.  We had delicious food and were very happy teachers.  Thank You!!

During the past few weeks we have had 2 students from SPU (Seattle Pacific University) coming into our class talking with the students about city planning etc.  This is part of our curriculum for Social Studies which is communities.  The kids have had a blast.  The students; Haley and Jordan were awesome!  Attached is a picture of the girls and our class.  We will be writing thank yous to them later today!

Enjoy the Sun :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Angelville News May 14-18, 2012

Week 34

Hope all of the Moms had a wonderful weekend in the sun.  The sun made all of the difference for me, that was for sure.
Congratulations to all of the girls in 3/4 West who participated in the play.  I was not able to attend, but I did have a few family members attend, and said it was AWESOME!!
*Beginning tomorrow we will begin our ITBS testing.  All of the 3rd graders will test in 3/4 East, and all of the 4th graders will test in 3/4 West with me.  We will do this each day for the rest of the week during the morning periods.  If you have any questions or concerns about the testing, please contact me,  It is very important that the students get good nights sleep, eat in the morning, and have water bottles.  I allow gum during testing time.  You may send gum with your student if you see fit.  Due to ITBS testing, work will be light this week.

*The end of the year Jr. Olympics performances are coming up.  We are the country of Germany.  Samantha's mom and I have met and we are working on getting costumes put together for this performance, June 7th at 7pm in the school gym. (For those of you who are new to the school we have a big Jr. Olympics Celebration each year.  Each class adopts a country.  In music the students learn music and dance from that country.  On the day of the concert all of the countries come dressed up in their costumes and parade around the school gym.  Once we have paraded in each class will perform.  The following day we parade around our city block and then join in the field day games.  Around 11ish we all share in one big school country feast.  Each class provides food from their country to share.  Very similar to our Thanksgiving feast, all families are invited to come.  School is then dismissed around noonish June 8th).
German Costumes:
Mrs. Murray-Tuesta has gone to the Costume Display shop and is willing to pick up what we need.  I am asking you to send in the money for your students costume and we will make sure we get them.

$15 dollars for your hat and corset.  The girls will also wear a white shirt (uniform shirt can do) and a dark skirt

$8 for your suspenders
Boys will wear pants(can wear school pants) and a black, red or yellow shirt.
(email me with questions)
*please bring money in to class.  We will purchase the parts of the outfits June 1st.

Last day of school is June 15th Friday, at noon.

Looking forward to a great week.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Angelville News May 7-11, 2012

Bon Dia
Weel 33

I heard the Poetry Jam was great!  Thanks to all that came out to support our students.

Many great things to do this week.  Most importantly we have our Disney Movie Field Trip tomorrow to see Chimpanzee.  We have been learning many great things about Chimps and their habitats and environment and are all looking forward to this event.  Please make sure your child has a sack lunch and snack.  We will leave school around 10:15am returning around 2pm.

There will be no more Scholastic book orders, however, you will be able to purchase books at our Scholastic book fair coming up soon.  The AA will post the dates and times.
Prayer Service May Crowning is this Friday.  Please have your student bring flowers to place at Mary's feet.

In Readers Workshop each student is reading a book in a Literature Circle.  This will go on till almost the end of the year.  I will be working with each group at different times during the week.

ITBS testing is scheduled for May 14-24, all students in 3-8th grade will participate in this standardized testing.

Have a great week, bring on the sun all day:)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Class photo, can't get much cuter than these kids!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reminder not to forget our Poetry Jam in the Library tomorrow at 2:15pm.  A great opportunity to hear the wonderful poetry the 3/4 West students have been working on over the past month.  Please join us following the Poetry Jam in our room for refreshments.  Thank you and see you tomorrow!!