Tuesday, June 11, 2013

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL - June 10-14, 2013

  1. BOD DIA


    Dear Families,

    I can't believe we are actually here!!  I want to thank all of you that have helped me over the year making sure field trips are chaperoned, projects are completed, and volunteer work is completed around the school.  You all are treasured!!

    Thank you for sharing your students' with me.  It has been a wonderful class and I will continue to watch the 4th graders mature and grow in Middle School, while having a chance to be with my 3rd graders one more  year.  

    May you all have a wonderful, and relaxing summer.

    Grades have been entered and will go home with your student on Friday, along with your students' independent reading levels and a recent writing sample.

    Friday is an 11am dismissal!

    Mass is at 9am
    Awards are at 10am

    I am also sending home a reading packet for my 4th graders next year.  I am asking that they read Double Fudge over the summer, complete the reading packet, and then return to me the first week of the new year, in September.  I am also sending home a 3rd grade English work book.  Please take some time to have your student work in this work book over the summer and return to me at the beginning of next school year.

    Blessings and good SUMMER cheer to each and everyone of you,


    Miz Schmutz

Monday, June 3, 2013

Angelville News, June 3-7th

Week 39

Dear Families,

WOW!!  I can't believe that we are coming to an end to the year already.  It has been a great year, for sure, and I have really enjoyed having all of your students!!  Those moving on will be truly missed!!  I am also excited to have all of the 3rd graders in 4th next year.  It too should be a wonderful year.

Here are some of the events to come....................

Thursday, June 6: 4th grade math final/Beatitudes quiz
Thursday, June 6: Jr. Olympics Concert at 7pm.  Please have your student back to school and in the classroom by 6:45pm, we will process over as a class.

Friday, June 7: Jr Olympics and noon dismissal.  All are welcome to share in our world pot luck in the cafeteria beginning about 11:15am.  Mrs. Rappe is looking for help with this.  Looks like we need some jerked chicken chefs.  Our country this year is Jamaica.  I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac in advance for helping with this and the students costumes.

There will be no Homework this week.  The students are working on Washington State attraction Brochures, as part of our study of Washington this year and our Writers Workshop benchmark to create a brochure.  I am hoping they will be completed by Thursday as grades are due at the end of the week.  Those students who need some extra time may be bringing these home to work on.  However, I am hoping that we can complete these during class time.  Both 3/4 classes are working on these this week.

4th grade math students will take a final math exam on Thursday.  This weeks class time we will be spent getting ready for this test.  There will also be a Beatitudes quiz on Thursday.

If you have any questions please contact me.