Friday, December 19, 2008



Friday, December 19th

4th Graders you are officially on Christmas Vacation!

How does it feel???

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Your only assignments over the break are to enjoy your family's and complete the "stretch my brain" purple packet!

I will be posting pictures on the blog in the next few days.

Miz Schmutz

Monday, December 15, 2008


Week 16
Monday 15, 2008
Welcome to the week of Freezing Cold!!
Make sure that you are watching the weather channel as to the conditions and school closures through-out the week.
I want to CONGRATULATE 4th grade for exceeding their goal in the FOOD DRIVE! We had a goal of 210 cans of food and we brought in 276 cans of food!! A special thanks to Johnathan, Maggie and Brianna for bringing in over 3times their amount. This really took us up over the edge!
This week:
Wednesday at 10am - The Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Church
Thursday 1-3pm - All school practice for the Christmas concert
Thursday 7pm - Christmas Concert in the Family Center/ Students need to be in their classrooms at 6:40pm
Friday 12:45pm -All are invited to hear the 4th graders Folk Tales that they have been working on for the past few weeks! If you want to hear them come to our room.
Friday 1pm-ish - Christmas Party and a farewell to our good friend Lindsay.
This week we may see some interruptions in our regular class schedule, but we continue to read and learn about the season of advent in religion. In Language Arts we have almost completed typing our Folk Tales on the computers, and are reading our very own selected, just right for me, chapter books and in math we are working on multiplication and division story problems.
Please make note of the events happening this week, and I hope that you all stay dry and warm this week. Please make sure your children are properly dressed for the weather. Thank You!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Angelville News

Bon Dia
Week 15
Decmeber 8, 2008
I want to start this week with one huge CONGRATS and HATS OFF to the 4th graders for doing an outstanding job on their prayer service last Friday morning. WAY TO GO, and I will bring cookies to school tomorrow!!! I will do my best to blog some pictures this week. If anyone took pictures of the service would you please let me know. I would like to post them if possible.
This week each student is reading a "Just Right for ME" book in reading. Each student has a different book chosen from the library that they will read for the next two weeks. They chose books at their individual reading levels. Once the new year comes we will break into reading groups.
In math we continue to work with division/multiplication/and algebraic expressions. Long division and multiplication can be a challenge at times for all of the students, but a challenge they seem to enjoy.
We took our Social Studies Chapter 2 test today. Each student was supposed to take their SS books home on Friday to re-read chapter 2 and study the regions in Washington. I could tell those that did study and those that did not. We will begin a unit on Energy this week.
In religion we continue to learn about advent. We are now in the 2nd week of Advent. We had a wonderful service at mass today for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The organ and singing was magnificent.
Holiday Hoopla -- This Friday from 9-12noon. Send change with your children so they can shop for family and friends at the Hoopla.
Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008



Week 14- 1st week in Advent

December 2, 2008

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. I know I did with most of my family on the East side of the mountains.

In the NEWS/Reminders:

This week we are working on our Prayer Service which will be on Friday, December 5th at 8:45 am in the auditorium. All of the students will be performing in the Prayer Service and all families are welcome to attend.

The food drive continues to go on and 4th grade has agreed to pledge 10 items of canned food per student. This is not a goal of mine, this was strictly a goal they came up with. I am very proud of them and I hope to reach our goal so that we can have a no school uniform day, and I have another little hidden plan as well. The FOOD DRIVE WILL END ON DECEMBER 10th!! BRING THOSE CANS IN.

Non-uniform day on Friday, December 5th

School Mass will be held on Monday, December 8th next week instead of the 9th for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Christmas Concert will be held on December 18th at 7pm in the Family Center. Please join us!

Schools out December 19 for Christmas vacation!

Complete homework packets and return on Friday. Make sure all of your children are reading each night.


In reading we are all working on Folk Tales, we will begin using the computer lab to type out our stories. Some students have worked very diligently on their stories and I am very proud of them. In religion we are working on our prayer service and the meaning of Advent.

In Math we have groups working in long multiplication, division with remainders, and mean, medium and mode. In Social Studies we will finish up Unit 2 talking about the 5 different regions in Washington State, and have a chapter quiz on Friday.