Monday, December 8, 2008

Angelville News

Bon Dia
Week 15
Decmeber 8, 2008
I want to start this week with one huge CONGRATS and HATS OFF to the 4th graders for doing an outstanding job on their prayer service last Friday morning. WAY TO GO, and I will bring cookies to school tomorrow!!! I will do my best to blog some pictures this week. If anyone took pictures of the service would you please let me know. I would like to post them if possible.
This week each student is reading a "Just Right for ME" book in reading. Each student has a different book chosen from the library that they will read for the next two weeks. They chose books at their individual reading levels. Once the new year comes we will break into reading groups.
In math we continue to work with division/multiplication/and algebraic expressions. Long division and multiplication can be a challenge at times for all of the students, but a challenge they seem to enjoy.
We took our Social Studies Chapter 2 test today. Each student was supposed to take their SS books home on Friday to re-read chapter 2 and study the regions in Washington. I could tell those that did study and those that did not. We will begin a unit on Energy this week.
In religion we continue to learn about advent. We are now in the 2nd week of Advent. We had a wonderful service at mass today for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The organ and singing was magnificent.
Holiday Hoopla -- This Friday from 9-12noon. Send change with your children so they can shop for family and friends at the Hoopla.
Happy Holidays!!!

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