Monday, December 14, 2009

Angelville News, Week 15

Bon Dia

December 14, 2009


* 4th graders and their super duper Advent Reflection Books they put together last week. I hope all of the families have had the opportunity to look through the book and possibly read these at night when you are all together as a family. Fr. Dan was really impressed and sent me a message wanting to let you all know how much he is enjoying his book.

* Holiday Hoopla Helpers, you all ROCK! Thank you so much for making Holiday Hoopla such a success for our kids, something they look forward to each year. The treasures are endless.


* Thursday, December 17, Christmas concert in the Family Center at 7pm. Make sure your kids come dressed in their Sunday best.

* Maniac Magee book final on Thursday, December 17th. study guide will go home today.

* Native American Social Studies test, Chapters 4 and 5 of text book, Thursday, December 17th.

* Last day of school on December 18th. We will have a Christmas party after lunch on Friday, movie and treats. Thank you Maureen Endres for your help with this.


In Religion we completed our Advent Reflection book and will read from our book this week and prepare for the coming of Jesus.

In Math we continue to work with fractions (equivalent fractions, fraction strips).

In reading we will review for our Maniac Magee final.

In Social Studies we will complete our Totem Poles and review for our Native American test.

In Science we will continue in our Physical Science unit.

We will have a Spelling test and review nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjectives, all parts of speech we have worked with this first part of the year.

May you all have a Blessed Holiday, and be a light for others!

Happy Holidays, see you on Jan. 4th

Monday, December 7, 2009

Angelville News, Week 14

Bon Dia

December 7, 2009

* For all you skiers out there, this is one of the best places to ski in my opinion, Schweitzer, in Sandpoint, Washington, just about 45 minutes north of Cour 'd Alene.


* Report Cards will go home on Tuesday

* Tuesday after mass the students will be going to confession.

* Holiday Hoopla is on Friday from 9-12.

* Strategic Planning Meeting 5:15-6:15 on Wednesday

* Parents Club meeting from 6:30-8:30pm on Wednesday


In Religion we have been working on our own Advent Book reflections. Those will go home this week, giving the families time to enjoy them before Christmas.

In Math we will continue to work with fractions and decimals, making fraction strips and solving story problems. We will have a fraction mini quiz on Friday.

In reading we will complete Maniac Magee and have our final book test next week - YIPPEE!

In Social Studies and writing we will be creating our own Totem Poles, and then writing about how each symbol applies to our life. We will continue to talk about Native Americans in Washington.

In English we will continue our unit on Adjectives.

Enjoy the clear, yet very cold days! I'll still take clear and cold over gray and rainy.

10 more days of school!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Angelville Newsletter, Week 13

Bon Dia
December 1, 2009

*I apologize for the late newsletter. I have not had an Internet connection for the past 2 days so I had to wait till I had time to go to the lab to write one.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Celebrations with your families and friends.
The sun on Friday was a great surprise and one that I know I needed.

*To all of the family members who helped with our killer Thanksgiving feast.
*To the Green Team for help sort all of our recycling and composting in the cafeteria during the Thanksgiving Feast.

This week in the news:
*Early out today, Tuesday, 2pm
*Non-uniform dress on Friday
*Holiday Hoopla, December 11th from 9-12
*Christmas Concert in the Family center on December 17th at 7pm


We have begun Advent and will celebrate Advent until Christmas.
In math we have begun our fractions and decimal unit. We finished up with our Multiplication last week and was very impressed with the unit tests.
In reading we will try and finish up Maniac Magee next week with a book final towards the end of the week, next week.
In English we have started to talk about Adjectives and will have a mini adjective quiz on Friday.
In writing we will work this week in the lab typing in our Legend Stories that we wrote the past 2 weeks as we started our Native American unit.
We are now talking about Coastal and Plateau Indians and each student will create their own Totem Poles that represent happenings and stories in their own lives.

Have a great week!