Monday, December 7, 2009

Angelville News, Week 14

Bon Dia

December 7, 2009

* For all you skiers out there, this is one of the best places to ski in my opinion, Schweitzer, in Sandpoint, Washington, just about 45 minutes north of Cour 'd Alene.


* Report Cards will go home on Tuesday

* Tuesday after mass the students will be going to confession.

* Holiday Hoopla is on Friday from 9-12.

* Strategic Planning Meeting 5:15-6:15 on Wednesday

* Parents Club meeting from 6:30-8:30pm on Wednesday


In Religion we have been working on our own Advent Book reflections. Those will go home this week, giving the families time to enjoy them before Christmas.

In Math we will continue to work with fractions and decimals, making fraction strips and solving story problems. We will have a fraction mini quiz on Friday.

In reading we will complete Maniac Magee and have our final book test next week - YIPPEE!

In Social Studies and writing we will be creating our own Totem Poles, and then writing about how each symbol applies to our life. We will continue to talk about Native Americans in Washington.

In English we will continue our unit on Adjectives.

Enjoy the clear, yet very cold days! I'll still take clear and cold over gray and rainy.

10 more days of school!!!

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