Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Having Trouble with the Blog Spot

Monday, February 8, 2010

Angelville News, Week 21

Bon Dia
February 8, 2010

Good morning and welcome to a short week,

This week we will have a Valentines Day party on Thursday after noon break. Mrs. Endres will be providing the students will cupcakes and various other parents will be bringing in icing and decorations to decorate the cupcakes and cookies. Miz Schmutz will provide a Valentine themed movie to watch. All students are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with the class.

Reminders for the upcoming week there is not school on Friday the 12th, or Monday the 15th. School will resume on Tuesday the 16th. We are asking the students to bring in $1 for HATS OFF TO HAITI! Bring in a dollar and you may wear a special hat of your choosing on that day. There will be no school mass on Tuesday the 16th. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will have mass.

Thanks to Kim Serwold for sending out an e-mail about the upcoming garden!

In school this week we are going to continue the author research of African Americans who have won awards as authors or illustrators. Once we have completed this project (hopefully by the end of the week) we will have them on display out side our classroom, come and take a look.

In math we continue our Measurement and Geometry unit. This week we will focus on formulas for perimeter and area, along with area and perimeter of complex figures. In reading we will wrap up our Lewis and Clark book, chapters 12-14 and watch a Lewis and Clark movie. In Social Studies we will focus on taking our photo strips of, Values that are important to Us. Once taken we will display those in the hall as well. In Religion we are going to be reviewing this week for a quiz on Thursday of the Beatitudes and the 10 commandments.

Any questions please contact me at

Have a nice week!

Friday, February 5, 2010

African American Author/Illustrator Project

Research : An African American Author

1. Once you have chosen your book you are going to begin research on the award that your book was given. You will conduct this research in the computer lab.

2. In complete sentences you will look up the award and include the following information: a) What is the awards history? B). What is the criteria for being selected for this award? C). What is one fact that your found interesting about this award?

3. State the year your book received this award.

4. You will gather your information, organize your thoughts, and then compile the information you have gathered into the computer. I will accept 16 or 18 font size, and either, Times, Arial or Comic Sans font.

5. Newbery Award:

Detailed information about your Author

How did your Author become an Author?

Name the different schools your author attended?

Where did your author grow up? What is some of their background history? (their growing up story)

Where does this person live currently if they are still alive?

Does this person have a family? Who are their family members?

How old is your author?

If your author has passed away, was he/she popular before he/she passed away?

What kind of person was your author? Would you be friends with your author? Explain in detail WHY?

What is the one thing that stands out in your mind about your author?

Did you enjoy your author’s book? Explain in detail why or why

This information will be typed out on the computer in an organized and well thought out manner.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Angelville News, Week 20

Bon Dia

Feburary 3, 2010

Thank You to all the parents and students that helped to make our Open House such a success! It was great to see so many faces on Sunday! I am very proud of all the 4th graders and the work they have displayed in the hall.

This Friday is a Prayer Service in the auditorium at 8:45am. I also want to remind anyone interested in helping that we will be breaking ground on the GARDEN on Feb. 20th. Stop by to lend a hand, or just come by to check it out. We are Finally doing it! YAY!!

I apologize for the late newsletter, some how it got past me this week.

In math we continue with our measurement and geometry unit. This week we are looking at congruent and symmetrical figures. On Thursday we will move into perimeter and area of figures. Each Wednesday and Friday I am giving little Checkpoints, these are reviews of past units along with one problem pertaining to the current unit. In reading we continue to read about the long expedition of Lewis and Clark and then respond to comprehension questions in our journals.

In SS we continue with our Bridges Curriculum. The survey that went home was from the Bridges curriculum. This is to be aware of the consumption that is consumed by a very small percentage of the world. In 2008 there were about 6.5 billion people in the world, half of those people make less than $2 dollars a day, and another billion live on less than $1 a day. We were given information by the Conference of Catholic Bishops to recognize the campaign against global poverty, the concern of climate change and forced migration. We talked about forced migration in Religion on Monday and we will write letters to our diocese to find out whether or not we have a refugee resettlement program, and if so, ways in which we can help, acting as Faithful Stewards of God's Creation. This really hits home since just recently we have seen where forced migration and poverty is so real in a country just south of America, Haiti. Science, SS, and Religion have become cross-curricular this week. I will send a copy of the Migration information home for those of you that are interested in reading it.

This month is African American Heritage Month. Each student will choose an African American Author who has won an award for a book they wrote. The students will first research the award, and then the author. I will staple a copy of this assignment into their planners. This activity will go well into next week.

Have a great Day