Monday, February 8, 2010

Angelville News, Week 21

Bon Dia
February 8, 2010

Good morning and welcome to a short week,

This week we will have a Valentines Day party on Thursday after noon break. Mrs. Endres will be providing the students will cupcakes and various other parents will be bringing in icing and decorations to decorate the cupcakes and cookies. Miz Schmutz will provide a Valentine themed movie to watch. All students are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with the class.

Reminders for the upcoming week there is not school on Friday the 12th, or Monday the 15th. School will resume on Tuesday the 16th. We are asking the students to bring in $1 for HATS OFF TO HAITI! Bring in a dollar and you may wear a special hat of your choosing on that day. There will be no school mass on Tuesday the 16th. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will have mass.

Thanks to Kim Serwold for sending out an e-mail about the upcoming garden!

In school this week we are going to continue the author research of African Americans who have won awards as authors or illustrators. Once we have completed this project (hopefully by the end of the week) we will have them on display out side our classroom, come and take a look.

In math we continue our Measurement and Geometry unit. This week we will focus on formulas for perimeter and area, along with area and perimeter of complex figures. In reading we will wrap up our Lewis and Clark book, chapters 12-14 and watch a Lewis and Clark movie. In Social Studies we will focus on taking our photo strips of, Values that are important to Us. Once taken we will display those in the hall as well. In Religion we are going to be reviewing this week for a quiz on Thursday of the Beatitudes and the 10 commandments.

Any questions please contact me at

Have a nice week!

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