Bon Dia
Week 14
2nd week in Advent.
In Religion we are celebrating Advent and the Jesse Tree, Jesus' tree of ancestors from thousands of years before. Each day in Advent we color a new symbol to add to our Jesse Tree followed by a reading in the bible. We will continue to celebrate Advent for the next two weeks. On Thursday we will celebrate at Mass the Celebration of the Immaculate Conception, when Angel Gabriel came to Mary telling her she would bare God's son.
In reading we will finish up the book Stone Fox. There are 10 chapters in Stone Fox and today we are working on Chapter 6 with vocab and comprehension questions. Next Thursday we will have the Stone Fox Book final. On Friday we will watch the movie.
In Writers workshop we celebrated our 3rd Published Party. Each student got up and read their final Personal Narrative where we have been working on paragraph structure; Topic Sentence, detailed sentences that support the Topic sentences, and a closing sentence. I will assess these stories with a rubric and I will be looking for all components of a good paragraph. This month we are moving on to "Prompt" writing. We will try and publish one more piece at the end of next week, time permitting.
In SS we will begin another newspaper in Studies Weekly. Our class has been chosen to work with a teacher from Korea for two weeks in January. We will team teach and work on lessons in collaboration that our students learn more about Korea, Korean culture, and traditions. Should be very FUN!!
In Math our 4th graders continue to work on fractions, and will until the end of the year.
In 3rd grade math they continue to work on multiplication. It is most important that all students coming into 4th grade know their multiplication facts.
Happy Holidays