Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Signed Planners ALL year

Here's to the students who had a signed planner everyday they came to school.  Well we celebrated with a little ice cream from Walters in Ballard.  That was Miz Schmutz's first time to Walters, and I know I'll be back.  I think the girls really enjoyed their ice cream eating in front of all the

Responsibility does pay off!!!


Who knew that Miz Schmutz loved big rings???  Someone who was paying very close attention.

Thank you Eva and family for my gift!  I absolutely LOVE it!!  I am going to wear it to a wedding I am going to in Oregon next weekend!  Thank you!  Oh, and the Star Store is one of my most Favorite stores in the world.  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! love, Miz Schmutz


Well our FUN DAY at the beach was hit with a little rain and a minor accident with one of the students who we sent to the hospital who was hit by a swing in the chin.  Good news was that the students had fun and our injured student did not need stitches just a little glue job (who knew that they could glue cuts together, technology these days :)).  After all of our 'TOO WET' barometers went off, we came back to school to enjoy a little cake that Mrs. Connel picked up.

"I liked looking for shells," Emily 3/4 West.
"It was fun climbing the dome," Catherine
"I liked being by the rocks and building a dam out of sand," Julian

All in all, great day!  It's been such a joy working with all of these wonderful students this year!  I will be honest and say this, best class I have had in 8 years of teaching!  Thank you all for sharing your students with me this year!  Miz Schmutz:)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here are a few updates:

TONIGHT MEET IN THE CLASSROOM AT 6:45pm for Jr. Olympics Concert.

Tomorrow Jr. Olympics, looks like we will be playing in the rain:(  I strongly advise all student to dress warm, bring a towel and a change of clothes.  Boys may wear basketball shorts.  If the girls wear swimsuits under their clothes they need to be appropriate suits.

Jr. Olympic Buffet will begin at 11:30am.  Schools out at 12:30pm

Monday is Pizza, and LAST hot lunch of the year!  Tuesday we are going on our field trip to Golden Gardens.  ALL students will need to bring a sack lunch.

Wednesday all students will also need to bring a sack lunch.  Thursday and Friday are 1/2 days, out at 12:00pm.

Monday, June 11 is graduation and we will celebrate mass with the 8th graders in the church at 9am.  This will be Fr. Dan's last school mass with us.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is FREE DRESS!!

Contact me with any questions!


Yesterday we celebrated Brynne's Birthday!  Brynne is a wonderful piece to the 3/4 West classroom.  She is kind to all of her peers, and a huge help to her teacher when she is unable to locate something in the classroom that might be right under her nose.  She is always willing to lend a hand, and has a green thumb in the garden.  She is a JOY!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bon Dia
Week 38th

WOW!  We are almost there.
OK so here is the skinny this week.

*4th grade math final Wednesday
*Reading Chapter Book Tests Wednesday
*Jr. Olympics Thursday 7pm in gym.  Meet me in the classroom at 6:45pm - all welcome in families.
*Jr Olympic Parade and games Friday.  Around the World Buffet 11:30am Friday, families welcome.  School out at noon!

Keep posted in case I am forgetting anything.  Here is a sneak Peak of a pic of them practicing for Jr. Olympics.  We are Germany!