Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well our FUN DAY at the beach was hit with a little rain and a minor accident with one of the students who we sent to the hospital who was hit by a swing in the chin.  Good news was that the students had fun and our injured student did not need stitches just a little glue job (who knew that they could glue cuts together, technology these days :)).  After all of our 'TOO WET' barometers went off, we came back to school to enjoy a little cake that Mrs. Connel picked up.

"I liked looking for shells," Emily 3/4 West.
"It was fun climbing the dome," Catherine
"I liked being by the rocks and building a dam out of sand," Julian

All in all, great day!  It's been such a joy working with all of these wonderful students this year!  I will be honest and say this, best class I have had in 8 years of teaching!  Thank you all for sharing your students with me this year!  Miz Schmutz:)

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