Monday, March 11, 2013

Angelville News, March 11-15, 2013

Week 26

Dear Families,
I had a wonderful weekend again in Spokane.  We had a big SURPRISE birthday party for my mother, and boy was she SURPRISED!!  It was so fun to be with family and great friends of our past and present.  Life is short, and those are the moments we treasure.

Friday is GREEN DAY!!  Wear your green.  We also have another author visit.  With just a few weeks before Spring Break we are all getting a bit antsy.  We have had some issues lately with teasing and fighting over games at recess.  Please take a minute at dinner or in the car to open the conversation up about teasing and appropriate sport play, especially in this time of LENT!  We will be taking more time in Religion class this week touching upon these topics.

The second trimester ends this Friday!!!  If worried about inc work please see me!

*The 4th grade Religion class will have a test on the Stations of the Cross on Thursday.  In 4th grade math we will begin our Decimals chapter, we finished up Fractions last week, will go home this week.  Once we finish decimals we will have a decimal/fraction test to end the unit.

*We continue to read our Lewis and Clark book.  We are getting close to the end and will have a test at the end of next week.  Today, the students needed to read Chapter 10 and complete the questions in their reading journals.

*In Writers Workshop we started a unit in Poetry.  We are getting ready for our LITERACY/ARTS Festival to be held on Wednesday, April 17 in the school from 6-8pm.  There will be live performances as well as Art, student literature, and poetry throughout the building.  Please come and support your students on that night.  A student project will be going home on Tuesday.  Each student has chosen an American Hero, they need to read a book on their hero and then create a book board.  ALL INFO WILL COME HOME FOR YOU TO READ ABOUT!!

Homework is listed below: 
Week 26
March 11-15, 2013

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). Lewis and Clark News Article to be three paragraphs.
3). Spelling Unit 26 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)

Work is due on Friday, March 15!

Have a great week!!

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