Wednesday, April 1, 2009


BON DIAWeek 29
April 1, 2009 (April Fools)
I apologize for the late News Letter; I have not been feeling well lately.

Raves: Sammy and Maggie sold cookies outside her church on Sunday and made over $80 dollars which was donated to Rice Bowl. All I can say is WOW! You Go GIRLs!! You just raised enough money to get one person started in their own business in Egypt.
*The 4th grade class for being the perfect little angels that they are, while I was away on Monday.

Reminders: It is vital that parents continue to check their child’s planners and work. If your child says that he/she has completed an assignment I ask that you have them show it to you. Often times they think they have completed something, and find out that it was only half done or not done at all. I am beginning to see work not being completed. Once they hit MS (middle school) they will be required to stay in for lunch detention if school work is not complete the night before. I have begun keeping students in for recess if they have fallen behind on their daily work. I will send you an e-mail if this is happening with your child. If I do not have your e-mail address I will send you a note in their planner.
*Book Fair continues thru Sunday
*Thursday, Confessions
*Friday, non-uniform day, Prayer Assembly – 1st grade
*Art Gallery walk begins today, and parents club meeting – Mrs. Ozubko is the guest speaker.
Next week there will be no Reading Naturally as I will need Sisters help, as I do another round of Reading Assessment Tests.

Academics: In Religion this week we are learning about a group of farmers in Honduras who have formed their own co-op through CRS to better their knowledge and success for individual farms. In math we are starting new chapters in fractions/measurements and estimations. In SS we will begin a new unit on the first Explorers into Washington. In LA we are reviewing Parts of Speech and in Reading we continue to work in our guided reading groups.

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