Monday, April 27, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 32, April 27, 2009

*Thursday, April 30 – Jog-a-thon from 1:00-1:50, please come cheer on your kids. Make sure your students bring in their pledges.
*Friday, May 1 – 9am is May crowning, please have your child bring a flower, Once Upon a Mattress opening night at 7pm.
*May 1st – Non-uniform Day
*May 7th Uganda students will be visiting our school. Please send a dollar with your child to school to help cover some of their travel costs. Thank You!
*Second week in May ITBS testing will begin.
*May 12th – 4th Grade Night, opportunity for families to tour Middle School and speak with Middle School teachers.
*Progress Reports will go out next week.

*Math – FRACTIONS, FRACTIONS, FRACTIONS! Last week we began looking at fractions and will continue this week. You will see fraction worksheets in the homework packet. Anytime you can relate fractions to everyday life with your child, please do so.
*Reading – a few groups have completed their reading circles and we are waiting on one group to complete their book. We have begun to talk about the ITBS test that will begin in the second week of May. I will be reviewing reading passages that the students can expect to see on the ITBS. We will talk about test strategies when reading a passage and then answering comprehension questions.
*Religion – Each student has chosen a Saint to research find out how he/she lived out the Beatitudes in his/her life. I will post that assignment on the blog as well.
*Social Studies – we continue to try and wrap up our Explorer projects. We will go on tomorrow reading about Explorers and Fur Traders.
*In LA we will have begun to talk about what makes for a good persuasive writing. We will continue with that this week.

*Please continue to look at and sign planners. I am still seeing many planners not signed.
*If your child is still gathering information on their Explorer you can be informed that they are now behind on the project. I will post the expectations of that project as well.

Have a great week!!

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