Bon Dia
January 26, 2010
Good Afternoon families,
*This week we are busy at school getting ready for our Open House on Sunday, January 31 from 11:30-1pm. Please join us at mass prior to the Open House at 10am.
* Make sure that you continue to check your children's planners each afternoon to see that they are completing all of their work and then putting it back into their backpacks to be returned to school the next day.
* We have a Green Team meeting on Thursday right after school for a few minutes. We will be discussing the date of the Garden Ground Breaking party. All will be welcome to come out and dig in the dirt. Many hands make light work!!
* Progress Reports go home Tuesday, Today!
* This week in Math we are learning about angels, rays, polygons, quadrilaterals and congruent figures. Last week I started a new math review check. They will be called CHECK POINTS. I plan to do these each Wednesday and Friday. These will review problems from Units past and check for understanding and mastering of new material. If you have questions about these check points please e-mail me at mizschmutz@gmail.com.
* In reading we continue to read through the Lewis and Clark Expedition out West. This week we will cover Chapters 6-8 and follow the study guide, writing our comprehension questions in our journals and plotting the trip on our US maps.
*In Religion we are finishing up our Beatitudes. We follow the Beatitudes to live a more happy, full life. You can view these outside the classroom during our Open House.
* In LA we are working on BOX IT stories! You can also view these during our Open House. We will have a Verb Quiz on Friday going over Being Verbs, Present, past and future verbs, irregular verbs, action verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs, verb phrases, Voyages book pages 410-430.
* In Social Studies we continue to work through the Bridges curriculum, you can see what the kids have been working on during Open House.
* Our salmon Eggs have begun to hatch, we are mapping them on a chart to see how long they will be in each stage before returning them to Carkeek park.
Enjoy the Sun!