Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Angelville News, Week 18

Bon Dia

January 19, 2010

I hope that you all had a nice MLK off. I know that I really was happy to see that sun yesterday!

This week is short. In Religion we will continue to work on the Beatitudes and talk about ways in which we might be of good Stewards to those who suffered the terrible tragedy last week in Haiti.

In Math we are starting a new Unit, Geometry and Measurement. This week we begin with shapes, and lines. I was real proud of the students and their Fraction/Decimal final. It is important that when your student is preparing for a test at the end of the week that they are spending time each night going over the review guides, they really help.

In Reading we continue to read Lewis and Clark and work in our Journals. This week we will read chapters 3-5 and answer the questions in our journals. If you would like to see the kind of work that your student is doing in his/her Lewis and Clark Journal ask that they bring it home to see.

Bridges to Understanding - Today we took our first Portrait photo shoots of each other. We are going to create cultural pages of ourselves this week. If you are interested in helping out on any photo shoots in the future please let me know.

Enjoy the short week!

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