Monday, January 4, 2010

Angelville News, Week 16

Bon Dia

January 4, 2010


A warm Thank You to all who gave me gifts and script at Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful vacation with your families :)


* Tuesday, January 5th is early out at 2pm

* Friday, January 8th is a non-uniform day.

* Friday, January 8th is the Geography Bee in the auditorium. 4th graders participate in the Geography Bee. This year I am pleased to announce our Geography Bee participants, Moira, and Isabelle, our alternate is Jeremy. They were the finalists of 8 rounds of geography questions in our classroom. Great Job Students!

I would ask that you all keep Tricia (2n grade teacher) in your prayers. She lost her father to cancer yesterday.


*We continue with fractions and decimals in math this week.

*We will begin Lewis and Clark in Reading and Social Studies this week. Please make sure your child has the Lewis and Clark book, by George Sullivan.

* In Religion we will talk about the Gospel reading for Tuesday and begin to learn the Beatitudes.

* In Science we will finish up our Physical Science Unit and have a test on Friday. I will send home the review sheet by Wednesday.

* In Language Arts we will write Recipe's of Me (all students), and my English and Spelling students will begin to learn about the different types of verbs.

Have a wonderful week!

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