Monday, April 26, 2010

Angelville News


March 26, 2010

Week 31


Can we say WOW, 4th graders! What a great job, I have heard so many great things about how you all did at the Blessing. Bishop Tyson was super duper impressed.


We are sad to say that today is Jeremy Vicencio's last day with us here at St. Al's. We sure hope he returns to graduate from St. Al's. He is off to the Philippines to be with his mother. You will be in our hearts and prayers Jeremy. God Bless you!

Annie play begins on Friday, April 30th

Jogathon, Thursday, March 29th, get your pledges.

Progress Reports will go out tomorrow.


This week we will have our Reading/Social Studies test on Friday, March 30th over The Lost Wagon Train and chapter 8/9 in the Social Studies book.

Tomorrow we will review for our Math test over; ordered pairs (graphing them), problem solving, bar graphs, probability/statistics, mean, medium, mode, which will be on Wednesday, March 28.

In Social Studies we will continue with our Bridges script. In Science we will continue with our Earth and Space Science Unit. Now that the Garden Blessing is over we will try and get back on track with that unit.

We will wrap up our Artist Expository writings this week. Friday will be the deadline. There are still some students who are falling behind. You may see an e-mail from me if your student is one of those. The plan is to use the computer lab in the afternoons to type our writings.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at

Friday, April 23, 2010

Check out those 4th Graders

St. Alphonsus Garden Blessing, WOW! What a great way to start the Day! The School is so proud.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Angelville News


Week 30

April 20, 2010


*The 4th graders for all of their hard work in the garden - Go 4th GRADE :)


*Blessing of the garden, April 23rd at 9:30am in the garden, I hope you are all able to attend. 4th grade will be putting on this prayer service. Bishop Tyson will also be in attendance.


*We have many things going on this week. I want to begin with the preparation of the garden and prayer service. The prayer service will have an Earth Day theme since the 40th anniversary of Earth Day is April 22nd. April is also National Gardening month and Poetry Month. Both of these will contribute to our prayer service.

*Another exciting thing going on is the beginning script of our Digital Story. We are on a scheduled time line to have the digital story completed by the end of May. As soon as the story is complete we will welcome all of you in to view it with us. We will have our own mini file festival toward the end of the year to debut our Story. We are consulting with Bridges 2 Understanding on this project. Our story should then be displayed on their website. If you are interested and would like to go on the you can view some of the digital stories other schools in the world have completed. This is a big deal and we would be one of just a few schools from the US. I am going to need some parent volunteers to help students capture digital pictures in and around our school community. If you are interested please contact me via my e-mail, I'm hoping to have a shot list soon.

*In reading/SS we continue to learn about the Oregon Trail. We will work on Chapters 8 and 9 of the SS text book. I am now scheduling for the Oregon Trail/Missionaries Test to take place Friday, April 30th. I will not make up a review guide for this test. Students will use their Lost Wagon Train journal and notes and work from Chapters 8/9 to review for this test. We will also review in class next week.

*In math we continue to review line graphs, probability, ordered pairs, statistics, mean, median, mode. We will have a test on the Algebra Unit Wednesday, April 28th.

*Everyone is working on their Expository Writing on their chosen Artist. My MSL students are getting help from Mrs. Corr in MSL. I hope to have these near completion by the end of the week. We will then work on the art projects to go along with the expositors. I will then display them on the outside of the classroom. I will let you know when they are displayed so you can come up and view them.

Hoping to see you all on Friday. If you have any questions about this week please contact me via e-mail.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Expository Writing Hand Out

This will be worked on at school! If your student is showing that he/she is getting behind I will notify you. Will begin the artist research tomorrow if I can get computer time in morning. Guesstimating on length of project, Friday 23. Each student has already chosen an artist.

Expository Writing (5 paragraphs).

Fill in the Space Ship Pre-Write -will hand out at school

1. Mission Control (top oval section) - Who is the artist that you are going to be writing about. This is your introductory paragraph, or known as the lead. This paragraph tells your reader what your will be writing about. The topic sentence does not need to be the FIRST sentence of this paragraph. How will you grab your reader right off the bat? Will you start with a quote from your artist? A few lines from a letter he/she wrote someone? Get creative; bring your reader into your writing.
2, 3, 4. These are your rocket booster paragraphs. These are the paragraphs that will explain more about your artist.
2. Research your artist’s child hood. Where was your artist born, how and where was your artist raised? What was the time period that your artist was alive? Did he/she have a rough growing up life, was it rich with opportunity, did your artist know when they were young that they wanted to be an artist? Was a family member an artist?
3. How did your artist become involved in the arts? Where did he spend most of his artistic life? What kind of medium did your artist use (was it sculpture, oil on canvas, pencil)? How did the arts or other artists influence your artist?
4. What did you find most interesting about your artist? Was there a painting/drawing/ piece of work that you fell in love with? Explain. Why? Did this artist in some way speak to you? Was this artist full of life? How did this come out in his/her work?
5. Landing Pad- Re-state the topic. Conclude your writing, wrap up your writing in this final paragraph. Will you end with a quote as well?

Angelville News


March 12, 2010

Week 29



Monday, 2:45 - Jog-a-thon assembly in cafeteria.

Tuesday, early out, teacher meetings, 2pm.

Wednesday at 7pm - Parents Club meeting

Thursday, Class Photo's

Friday, Family Night Bingo


I am still unable to post pics on the blog, still trying to get the tech person to help me with this. He is in the building, Tuesday mornings for a few hours. I will try and hunt him down tomorrow.

This week in reading we will complete The Lost Wagon Train and the comprehension questions that go with each chapter. Next week we will read more about various important misisonaries who settled in Washington. As of today there will be an Oregon Trail/Missionaries test Friday the 23rd, this test will include The Lost Wagon Train. If this date changes based on time and content I will let you know.
In Math this week we will study line graphs. Each student will be responsible for coming up with their own Probability Study and then showing the results on a graph. They will also spend two days using problem solving strategies to answer story problems.
This week we will begin Expository Writing in LA. All of my students will be responsible in completing this project. I will be talking to Mrs. Corr to arrange time in MSL for my MSL students. The students have each chosen an artist to learn about. They will then write a 5 paragraph expository writing based on their artist. This project will be coupled with an art project.
In Religion we will be talking about how we can bring new life to others this year.
In SS we will begin our Bridges Digital Story. I met with one of the consultants from Bridges To Understanding over the break and we now have a time line in order to complete our Digital Story by the end of the year. We will work on this curriculum a few times a week towards the end of the day till the end of the year. I am very excitied about this project and have total confident in the students ability to produce a wonderful digital story.
In Science this week we will begin a new unit on Earth and Space Science. Layers of the earth , moons cycle or phases, planets and their make-up, climates, gases and atmospheres.

Hope you all enjoy your week! About 8.5 weeks of school remaining.