Monday, April 12, 2010

Expository Writing Hand Out

This will be worked on at school! If your student is showing that he/she is getting behind I will notify you. Will begin the artist research tomorrow if I can get computer time in morning. Guesstimating on length of project, Friday 23. Each student has already chosen an artist.

Expository Writing (5 paragraphs).

Fill in the Space Ship Pre-Write -will hand out at school

1. Mission Control (top oval section) - Who is the artist that you are going to be writing about. This is your introductory paragraph, or known as the lead. This paragraph tells your reader what your will be writing about. The topic sentence does not need to be the FIRST sentence of this paragraph. How will you grab your reader right off the bat? Will you start with a quote from your artist? A few lines from a letter he/she wrote someone? Get creative; bring your reader into your writing.
2, 3, 4. These are your rocket booster paragraphs. These are the paragraphs that will explain more about your artist.
2. Research your artist’s child hood. Where was your artist born, how and where was your artist raised? What was the time period that your artist was alive? Did he/she have a rough growing up life, was it rich with opportunity, did your artist know when they were young that they wanted to be an artist? Was a family member an artist?
3. How did your artist become involved in the arts? Where did he spend most of his artistic life? What kind of medium did your artist use (was it sculpture, oil on canvas, pencil)? How did the arts or other artists influence your artist?
4. What did you find most interesting about your artist? Was there a painting/drawing/ piece of work that you fell in love with? Explain. Why? Did this artist in some way speak to you? Was this artist full of life? How did this come out in his/her work?
5. Landing Pad- Re-state the topic. Conclude your writing, wrap up your writing in this final paragraph. Will you end with a quote as well?

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