Monday, April 12, 2010

Angelville News


March 12, 2010

Week 29



Monday, 2:45 - Jog-a-thon assembly in cafeteria.

Tuesday, early out, teacher meetings, 2pm.

Wednesday at 7pm - Parents Club meeting

Thursday, Class Photo's

Friday, Family Night Bingo


I am still unable to post pics on the blog, still trying to get the tech person to help me with this. He is in the building, Tuesday mornings for a few hours. I will try and hunt him down tomorrow.

This week in reading we will complete The Lost Wagon Train and the comprehension questions that go with each chapter. Next week we will read more about various important misisonaries who settled in Washington. As of today there will be an Oregon Trail/Missionaries test Friday the 23rd, this test will include The Lost Wagon Train. If this date changes based on time and content I will let you know.
In Math this week we will study line graphs. Each student will be responsible for coming up with their own Probability Study and then showing the results on a graph. They will also spend two days using problem solving strategies to answer story problems.
This week we will begin Expository Writing in LA. All of my students will be responsible in completing this project. I will be talking to Mrs. Corr to arrange time in MSL for my MSL students. The students have each chosen an artist to learn about. They will then write a 5 paragraph expository writing based on their artist. This project will be coupled with an art project.
In Religion we will be talking about how we can bring new life to others this year.
In SS we will begin our Bridges Digital Story. I met with one of the consultants from Bridges To Understanding over the break and we now have a time line in order to complete our Digital Story by the end of the year. We will work on this curriculum a few times a week towards the end of the day till the end of the year. I am very excitied about this project and have total confident in the students ability to produce a wonderful digital story.
In Science this week we will begin a new unit on Earth and Space Science. Layers of the earth , moons cycle or phases, planets and their make-up, climates, gases and atmospheres.

Hope you all enjoy your week! About 8.5 weeks of school remaining.

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