Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011


I just wanted to say that it was great getting to meet all of you at conferences.

Last week was a very short week and I failed to post a blog, but we had a great time carving pumpkins on Tuesday afternoon. I want to thank Mrs. Rappe and Mrs. Thomas for coming in and helping us with the carving. All the pumpkins turned out amazing, and the students should be so proud of them selves.

*I will not be sending home a homework packet this week! I will send home a reading log, students need to document their reading each night after reading.
*Science club for 3-4.
*Please bring in your soap for One Saturday. Our first One Saturday is this coming Saturday, November 5th.

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – Starting this month we will be working on ‘Slice of Life’ stories. These stories are still personal narratives, but with a kick, hoping to raise the quality of narrative writing.

In Readers Workshop we are going to finish the Judy Moody book and then go into Stone Fox, and follow it by watching the movie.

MATH – 4th grade mathers this week will continue working on function tables, simplifying equations, evaluating expressions, solving equations, and beginning to solve long multiplication problems. We will finish up our multiplication unit next week and have our test Friday, November 11th.

RELIGION – This week we will continue with our Steps to Respect program along with understanding the different parts of the Rosary.

SPELLING – (NOT FOR MSL STUDENTS, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WORK) each week a new list of spelling words is given. Monday is a pre-test and spelling assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday they are writing spelling sentences. Thursday is an additional spelling worksheet. Fridays we have our spelling test, turn in all of our spelling from the week, and then are able to play word games. Each day an assignment is assigned to work on in class. If they are unable to complete the assignment, they need to complete it at home. At the end of the week all of the spelling work is neatly put together, stapled and turned in.

SOCIAL STUDIES – This week we are going over our new Mid -Trimester for Studies Weekly. I am also going to introduce a STATE research project that they will be doing from home. We may have some time in class to do some research as well. The idea is that they will do most of their research from home.

SCIENCE – Metric System Foss Kit we will continue with!

May you all have a safe HALLOWEEN tonight!!!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Angelville News October 24-28

Bon Dia

Week 8

October 24-28

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Mrs. van Hollebeke!!! She was so kind to bring in the 3 hay bales to school, unfortunately there was a hay bale disaster. Needless to say, the hay bales are no longer in the classroom. We had some trouble baling the hay, but unbaleing, not so much trouble. My grand ideas don't always pan out!! Oh well!

Don't forget to bring in your pumpkins for pumpkin carving at 1:45pm Tuesday the 25th.

Scary Cakes are to be turned in to the office tomorrow for our Halloween Fun night! Tuesday, October 25th in the cafeteria.

Our class is bringing in SOAP for One Saturday. The more soap the better! Thank you.

Student conferences this week. Short week for the students, it's really a Thursday for them, what fun to be young again!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Writers Workshop

Since the beginning of the year in our Writers Workshop class we have been working on Personal Narratives. Currently we are working on Publishing our second writing piece to share with our parents who attend our party on Monday, October 31. When I witness great writing coming from my students I am propelled to share. This is a must share..........

"I can go to far away castles, surrounded by bubbling hot lava pools, protected by an enormous fire breathing dragon."

Yes, we are getting it!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rock Star Samantha

Samantha is a wonderful artist. She shares with us her gifts in her scare crow and poem. Thank you for being our rock star Samantha.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Studies Weekly Review guide

Studies Weekly Mid-quarter Test

What to expect on the test.

1. What is a wilderness?
2. What is an urban area?
3. What is a rural area?
4. What is a suburban area?
5. What makes up an ecosystem?
6. How did humans change land so that they could get the things they needed?
7. What are the 5 regions of Washington? What region do we live in?
8. Weather over a long period of time is called what?

From previous week 4

1. What are the 5 regions of the United States?
2. What is the man made lines drawn to divide areas called? Where do we see them?
3. Name the gadget that tells you in which direction you are going?
4. The land forms of an area (mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts)?
5. What borders Washington to the N, E, S, and W?

Week 3
6. The line that divides the earth in half going North and South?
7. The imaginary line that divides the earth in half going East and West?
8. What are the seven continents?
9. What are the sections of the earth?

Week 2
10. What are the cardinal directions?
11. What are the intermediate directions?
12. A maps, grid system, shows us numbered and lettered lines to find places more easily.

Week 1
13. Washington is made up of hundreds of communities.
14. What do communities share?
15. Washington became the 42nd state in 1889.

Angelville New October 17-21

October 17, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

* Each week we will have a new ROCK STAR! Our Rock Star this week is Julian! Julian will be featured all week. He is also able to bring in things to share with the other students. Each student will have the opportunity to be the Angelville Community Rock Star!

*Each week a Homework packet will go home on Monday to be returned on Friday. This week our Homework packet consists of a Science measurement worksheet, and reading log.
*Studies Weekly Mid Quarter test over first 5 weeks is this Friday. The students have a review sheet and we started our notes today.

*Chapter 1 Religion book test on Friday.

*The conference schedules have been made and the slips will do out tomorrow.

*A slip went home today about your student being able to bring in a pumpkin and carving tools to carve our pumpkins next Tuesday in the afternoon.
*Would still love for a few people to donate a few hay bales if possible.

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – In writers workshop this week we will be working on our second personal narrative published piece. We will combine this party with our Halloween party on October 31 in the afternoon. All parents are welcome to attend. I will send home more notice on this later this week.

In Readers Workshop we are doing a read aloud called Judy Moody. We will talk about different characters in our own books, and when they have been happy or sad.

MATH – In 4th grade math we are learning about equations. This week we will be working on function tables with variables.

RELIGION – Chapter 1 Test Friday. Steps to Respect.

SPELLING – (NOT FOR MSL STUDENTS, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WORK) each week a new list of spelling words is given. Monday is a pre-test and spelling assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday they are writing spelling sentences. Thursday is an additional spelling worksheet. Fridays we have our spelling test, turn in all of our spelling from the week, and then are able to play word games. Each day an assignment is assigned to work on in class. If they are unable to complete the assignment, they need to complete it at home. At the end of the week all of the spelling work is neatly put together, stapled and turned in.

SOCIAL STUDIES – Studies Weekly Test review for Friday. Test on Friday.

SCIENCE – Metric System! There is a worksheet in homework packet. We will continue to read about the metric system. Why is the United States one of the only countries that does not use the metric system????


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Studies Weekly Study Guide for 10/14

Studies Weekly Quiz #2

What to expect to know for the quiz on Friday.

1. What is a wilderness?
2. What is an urban area?
3. What is a rural area?
4. What is a suburban area?
5. What makes up an ecosystem?
6. How did humans change land so that they could get the things they needed?
7. What are the 5 regions of Washington? What region do we live in?
8. Weather over a long period of time is called what?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Haunted House

Once there was a mouse named Pumpkin and a mouse named Mousey. One day Pumpkin and Mousey walked by a haunted house, and they wanted to explore it so they went inside. When they got inside it was dusty and they could see lots of cob webs. They found some stairs that went upstairs so they went up the stairs. Upstairs they found a door. They went through the door and they found some stairs that went down into the back yard. Pumpkin and Mousey had a race down the stairs. Pumpkin won! And when they got down they found a pumpkin patch. When they went into the pumpkin patch they saw lots of different shaped pumpkins. Some were tall, and some were short. Some were little and some were big. While they were walking around the pumpkin patch they heard something. Mousey climbed on a tall pumpkin and saw a mouse walking through the pumpkin patch. "Hi my name is Mousey, what is your name?"

"Hello, my name is Cheeseball," said the other mouse.

"Come over here and meet Cheesball" Mousey said to Pumpkin. Pumpkin climbed over the pumpkin.

"Hello Cheeseball," said Pumpkin. Mousey asked Cheeseball where where she lived and she told them that she lived in the Haunted House. Pumpkin and Mousey became friends with Cheeseball and visited her every time they could. by, Vivian

Angelville News, October 10-14

October 10, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

* Each week we will have a new ROCK STAR! Our Rock Star this week is Samantha! Samantha will be featured all week. She is also able to bring in things to share with the other students. Each student will have the opportunity to be the Angelville Community Rock Star!

*Each week a Homework packet will go home on Monday to be returned on Friday. This week our Homework packet consists of a reading log, and a T-shirt design activity.

*The conference schedules have been made and the slips will do out next week.
*Friday the 5/6 Girls will lead us in our Prayer Service beginning at 8:45am.
*Parents, please wait for your students at the end of the day by the flag pole. As the classes unfold into the courtyard we need to be able get through and dismiss our students one at a time. Thank you for your cooperation.

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – In writers workshop we continue to write different kinds of stories. We are working on a Bravery story and will begin an embarrassed story later this week. Before the end of the month each student will have the opportunity to choose one story they wrote to edit and publish for our next Published Party.

In Readers Workshop we put up our Mental Movies. I am working with each one of the students to listen to them read and talk about ways in which they can improve their reading. I plan to re-assess all students prior to conferences. We will also demonstrate that we can pause when reading to recap main characters and events. We will also look to see how new parts of a book fit with old ones.

MATH – In 4th gr

RELIGION – Last week we started our Steps to Respect Program. We will continue with talking about friendship and what is a FRIEND?
This week we will finish up our first chapter in our Religion books, The Holy Spirit guides us to become Church. Early next week will be our first test.

SPELLING – (NOT FOR MSL STUDENTS, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WORK) each week a new list of spelling words is given. Monday is a pre-test and spelling assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday they are writing spelling sentences. Thursday is an additional spelling worksheet. Fridays we have our spelling test, turn in all of our spelling from the week, and then are able to play word games. Each day an assignment is assigned to work on in class. If they are unable to complete the assignment, they need to complete it at home. At the end of the week all of the spelling work is neatly put together, stapled and turned in.

SOCIAL STUDIES – This week in Social Studies we will read week 5 of our Studies Weekly Newspaper on region in Washington. We will have a quiz on Friday. I will post a review sheet on the blog. We will also work on one in class.

SCIENCE – Last week we made metric sticks in science and started to measure different things in the classroom. First, by estimating how many meters or centimeters something is, and then by actually measuring the objects with our meter sticks.


Friday, October 7, 2011


Our second ROCK STAR in Angelville this week was Sam. Last week we wrote stories in writers workshop about our Hello, Good-bye Windows in our home. Sam's window in his home is in his bedroom. This week the students described the type of ROCK STAR that Sam is. Some of the words that were used to describe Sam were, "Easy to be friends with, nice to all people, plays with everyone, funny and never argues when playing soccer." We are so thankful to have Sam in Angelville. Thanks Sam for being our ROCK STAR this week!

Senses of the SEASON

Last week Miz Schmutz taught an art class with acrylic pastels. We wanted to capture not only the colors of the season, but the objects as well. WOW! These students are amazing artists. Once our pictures were complete we took it one step further and wrote poems using all of our senses. What do we see, smell, taste, touch, and hear in Autum. So FUN!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

* Each week we will have a new ROCK STAR! Our Rock Star this week is Sam! Sam will be featured all week. He is also able to bring in things to share with the other students. Each student will have the opportunity to be the Angelville Community Rock Star!

*Each week a Homework packet will go home on Monday to be returned on Friday. This week our Homework packet consists of a reading log, writing assignment and a worksheet on Subjects of a sentence. The subject states WHO or WHAT the sentence is about. Students need to make sure they are logging their reading each night.

I am happy to announce that the students completed their first published pieces last week and we were able to share in our first Published Piece Party. I plan to have a Published Piece Party each month (PPP). Currently we are working on Sensory poems to go with our very colorful Autum art. If in the building please stop by to see our poems and art outside our classroom wall.

In Readers Workshop this week we will complete our Mental Movies and put those up. We will also demonstrate that we can pause when reading to recap main characters and events. We will also look to see how new parts of a book fit with old ones.

MATH – In 4th grade math this week will be reviewing for a test on Friday. The test will consist of money, time and place value, mental multiplication, ordering numbers and comparing >, <, =.

RELIGION – Last week we started our Steps to Respect Program. We will continue with talking about friendship and what is a FRIEND?
Last week I talked about having the students get help from home their family members up to their great grandparents. I have only had very few students bring those in to class. Please help your student with this this week so that we can get started on our own family trees. I will make sure this goes home in the planners as well.

SPELLING – (NOT FOR MSL STUDENTS, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WORK) Each week a new list of spelling words are given. Monday is a pre-test and spelling assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday they are wrSOCIAL STUDIES – This week in Social Studies we will read week 4 of our Studies Weekly Newspaper on borders in the US.

SCIENCE – Last week in Science we talked about what scientists do and then the students drew pictures of what they thought scientists looked like. This week we will continue with the metric system, the standard unit of measurement that scientists use.iting spelling sentences. Thursday is an additional spelling worksheet. Fridays we have our spelling test, turn in all of our spelling from the week, and then are able to play word games. Each day an assignment is assigned to work on in class. If they are unable to complete the assignment, they need to complete it at home. At the end of the week all of the spelling work is neatly put together, stapled and turned in.