Monday, October 17, 2011

Studies Weekly Review guide

Studies Weekly Mid-quarter Test

What to expect on the test.

1. What is a wilderness?
2. What is an urban area?
3. What is a rural area?
4. What is a suburban area?
5. What makes up an ecosystem?
6. How did humans change land so that they could get the things they needed?
7. What are the 5 regions of Washington? What region do we live in?
8. Weather over a long period of time is called what?

From previous week 4

1. What are the 5 regions of the United States?
2. What is the man made lines drawn to divide areas called? Where do we see them?
3. Name the gadget that tells you in which direction you are going?
4. The land forms of an area (mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts)?
5. What borders Washington to the N, E, S, and W?

Week 3
6. The line that divides the earth in half going North and South?
7. The imaginary line that divides the earth in half going East and West?
8. What are the seven continents?
9. What are the sections of the earth?

Week 2
10. What are the cardinal directions?
11. What are the intermediate directions?
12. A maps, grid system, shows us numbered and lettered lines to find places more easily.

Week 1
13. Washington is made up of hundreds of communities.
14. What do communities share?
15. Washington became the 42nd state in 1889.

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