Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

* Each week we will have a new ROCK STAR! Our Rock Star this week is Sam! Sam will be featured all week. He is also able to bring in things to share with the other students. Each student will have the opportunity to be the Angelville Community Rock Star!

*Each week a Homework packet will go home on Monday to be returned on Friday. This week our Homework packet consists of a reading log, writing assignment and a worksheet on Subjects of a sentence. The subject states WHO or WHAT the sentence is about. Students need to make sure they are logging their reading each night.

I am happy to announce that the students completed their first published pieces last week and we were able to share in our first Published Piece Party. I plan to have a Published Piece Party each month (PPP). Currently we are working on Sensory poems to go with our very colorful Autum art. If in the building please stop by to see our poems and art outside our classroom wall.

In Readers Workshop this week we will complete our Mental Movies and put those up. We will also demonstrate that we can pause when reading to recap main characters and events. We will also look to see how new parts of a book fit with old ones.

MATH – In 4th grade math this week will be reviewing for a test on Friday. The test will consist of money, time and place value, mental multiplication, ordering numbers and comparing >, <, =.

RELIGION – Last week we started our Steps to Respect Program. We will continue with talking about friendship and what is a FRIEND?
Last week I talked about having the students get help from home their family members up to their great grandparents. I have only had very few students bring those in to class. Please help your student with this this week so that we can get started on our own family trees. I will make sure this goes home in the planners as well.

SPELLING – (NOT FOR MSL STUDENTS, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN WORK) Each week a new list of spelling words are given. Monday is a pre-test and spelling assignment. Tuesday and Wednesday they are wrSOCIAL STUDIES – This week in Social Studies we will read week 4 of our Studies Weekly Newspaper on borders in the US.

SCIENCE – Last week in Science we talked about what scientists do and then the students drew pictures of what they thought scientists looked like. This week we will continue with the metric system, the standard unit of measurement that scientists use.iting spelling sentences. Thursday is an additional spelling worksheet. Fridays we have our spelling test, turn in all of our spelling from the week, and then are able to play word games. Each day an assignment is assigned to work on in class. If they are unable to complete the assignment, they need to complete it at home. At the end of the week all of the spelling work is neatly put together, stapled and turned in.


1 comment:

TomH said...

Miz Schmutz

Your spelling, social studies and science sections seem to have gotten mixed together.