Monday, September 24, 2012

Angelville News September 24-28, 2012


*Field Trip to King Tut is tomorrow.  We will leave and take the city bus to the Pacific Science Center.  Leaving around 8:45 am and returning around 12:45pm.  IF YOUR CHILD HAS NOT RETURNED HIS OR HER FORM THEM WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO ON THE FIELD TRIP WITH US!!!  Please make sure those come back.  I believe I am missing 4 forms.

*I continue to have many students not turning in their work on time.  Tracking down work is one of the biggest struggles for a teacher.  Please help that your child has all of their belongings each day.  Please help me by checking and signing their planners each night.  If you feel as though your child needs accommodations in helping him/her remember their school work please let me know and we can pull our heads together and come up with some ideas.

-In Social Studies we are studying Washington State.  This week we will be talking about the 5 regions of Washington on a map.  Students will be responsible for locating and labeling all 5 regions along with State Capital, boarders, mountain ranges in Washington as well as important cities.  We will continue with our Geography Weekly; this week we are studying the 4 hemispheres.

-In Writer's Workshop we have begun our "All about ME" newspapers.  Your student needs a picture of their HERO as well as a picture of themselves or a picture with family.  The sooner you can have those come to school the better.  You will not get these pictures back in the same form.  If it is not a picture you want to give us you can take a copy of it and send it in with your student.

-In Religion this week we will continue with the 7 Sacraments.  October is the month of the Rosary, and will will have a two day visit from Sr. Giovanni.

-In Math my 4th grade students are studying 'factors' and 'multiples' of any given number.

-In Science the students are studying the life cycle of a salmon.

Hard to believe we are already in week 4!  Have a great one!  Contact me with any questions!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Angelville News September 17-21, 2012


*CURRICULUM NIGHT Wednesday, September 19 at 7pm.  Please come and see our classroom and hear about what is going on in 3/4 West!

We had a wonderful walking trip to the Ballard Locks last Wednesday.  Our Ranger was excellent!  I think the students really enjoyed themselves and learned a few things about the locks and the fish ladder for the salmon.  We saw so many salmon coming through, more than I have seen in the past 4 years doing this field trip.  It was GREAT!!

*A new Field Trip form is going home tomorrow, KING TUT!  We will take the city bus to the Pacific Science Center on Tuesday, September 25th.  We will leave around 8:45am and return around 12:30.  Please pack your student a sack lunch for this field trip.  The cost and information about the trip is on the back of the field trip form.

In my 4th grade Religion class we applied one of our Religion SLE's "Wonderment and Awe" to our field trip.  The students showed what it "LOOKS" like and "SOUNDS" like to have Wonderment and Awe in relation to our field trip.  This week Fr. Shane is going to come in to class and lead the students in a lesson on the 7 Sacraments.  We will continue to learn about the 7 Sacraments this week and next.

In my 4th grade Math class we are reviewing many skills.  We are also doing quick minute checks on our addition and subtraction tables.  Once we have mastered those we will move on to multiplication.  This week we are covering >,<,=

In SS we will begin our Washington Studies Weekly newspapers this week.  Our curriculum this year is Washington.

In Writer's Workshop the students are writing about a place they know so well or an activity they know so well that it has become part of who they are in a way.  We read a children's literature book the first week of school called If you're not from the prairie..............., their personal writings are a spin off from this book.  I am hoping they are all completed to have on display at curriculum night.

*PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENTS' PLANNERS EACH NIGHT, AND SIGN.  Checks mean work is complete, circle means not complete and needs to be done and brought back the next day.

Thank you all for your support!  Keep bringing on that SUN:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The students will learn how to use their PLANNERS today.  Planners will come home each day to be signed by a parent.  If a student did not complete their daily work in the classroom they will bring it home to finish this work should be circled in their planner.  Daily work that comes home is different from the homework for the week.  If you find that your student is bringing home daily work often, this is a sign to you that your student may not be using his/her time wisely in the classroom.  Math may be an exception to this rule.

Daily work that does not get completed that night at home and returned to school the next day will resort in your student staying in for break to complete this work.

If you have any questions please let me know

I will go over this in greater length at open house!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Angelville News September 10-15, 2012

September 10-15, 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!  I had the opportunity to go to San Diego for a few days with my husband and his school for a football game.  I must say that I love San Diego, being by the water and in the sun was fabulous!

*FIELD TRIP ON WEDNESDAY, Ballard Locks.  We will leave school at 9:15am and return by 12:15pm.  You need to pack your student a sack lunch as we will be eating in the park after our Lock tour.  Thank you Mr. Green and Mrs. Malkoski in advance for chaperoning this walking trip.

Today the first homework packets are going home to be returned on Thursday this week since we do not have school on Friday!
Weeks Work
1), TFK (Time For Kids) magazine and worksheet.  The student needs to read the entire magazine, answer the questions in the magazine as well as complete the worksheet that goes along with the magazine.
2). Unit 1 in their spelling books (not for MSL students).  There are 4 pages in the unit.  The questions must be answered on another piece of lined paper.  I will go over this process with the students tomorrow in class.
*if you have any questions please let me know at or

In Writers Workshop we are working on Brainstorming ideas for stories.  We will continue with our "If you're not from......, "or "If you've never done..... stories this week.

4th grade math students are working on place value, and rounding.  We will continue with these skills as well as adding factors and multiples of numbers towards the end of the week.

In Social Studies this week we will work on a map lesson in Geography and begin our Studies Weekly newspaper on Washington.

In Religion we are talking about the 7 Sacraments.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you!  Towards the end of the week I will be sending on the blog information about our next Field Trip, King Tut September 25th.  Stay Tuned and have a great week:)