Monday, September 10, 2012

Angelville News September 10-15, 2012

September 10-15, 2012

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!  I had the opportunity to go to San Diego for a few days with my husband and his school for a football game.  I must say that I love San Diego, being by the water and in the sun was fabulous!

*FIELD TRIP ON WEDNESDAY, Ballard Locks.  We will leave school at 9:15am and return by 12:15pm.  You need to pack your student a sack lunch as we will be eating in the park after our Lock tour.  Thank you Mr. Green and Mrs. Malkoski in advance for chaperoning this walking trip.

Today the first homework packets are going home to be returned on Thursday this week since we do not have school on Friday!
Weeks Work
1), TFK (Time For Kids) magazine and worksheet.  The student needs to read the entire magazine, answer the questions in the magazine as well as complete the worksheet that goes along with the magazine.
2). Unit 1 in their spelling books (not for MSL students).  There are 4 pages in the unit.  The questions must be answered on another piece of lined paper.  I will go over this process with the students tomorrow in class.
*if you have any questions please let me know at or

In Writers Workshop we are working on Brainstorming ideas for stories.  We will continue with our "If you're not from......, "or "If you've never done..... stories this week.

4th grade math students are working on place value, and rounding.  We will continue with these skills as well as adding factors and multiples of numbers towards the end of the week.

In Social Studies this week we will work on a map lesson in Geography and begin our Studies Weekly newspaper on Washington.

In Religion we are talking about the 7 Sacraments.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you!  Towards the end of the week I will be sending on the blog information about our next Field Trip, King Tut September 25th.  Stay Tuned and have a great week:)

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