Monday, September 24, 2012

Angelville News September 24-28, 2012


*Field Trip to King Tut is tomorrow.  We will leave and take the city bus to the Pacific Science Center.  Leaving around 8:45 am and returning around 12:45pm.  IF YOUR CHILD HAS NOT RETURNED HIS OR HER FORM THEM WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO ON THE FIELD TRIP WITH US!!!  Please make sure those come back.  I believe I am missing 4 forms.

*I continue to have many students not turning in their work on time.  Tracking down work is one of the biggest struggles for a teacher.  Please help that your child has all of their belongings each day.  Please help me by checking and signing their planners each night.  If you feel as though your child needs accommodations in helping him/her remember their school work please let me know and we can pull our heads together and come up with some ideas.

-In Social Studies we are studying Washington State.  This week we will be talking about the 5 regions of Washington on a map.  Students will be responsible for locating and labeling all 5 regions along with State Capital, boarders, mountain ranges in Washington as well as important cities.  We will continue with our Geography Weekly; this week we are studying the 4 hemispheres.

-In Writer's Workshop we have begun our "All about ME" newspapers.  Your student needs a picture of their HERO as well as a picture of themselves or a picture with family.  The sooner you can have those come to school the better.  You will not get these pictures back in the same form.  If it is not a picture you want to give us you can take a copy of it and send it in with your student.

-In Religion this week we will continue with the 7 Sacraments.  October is the month of the Rosary, and will will have a two day visit from Sr. Giovanni.

-In Math my 4th grade students are studying 'factors' and 'multiples' of any given number.

-In Science the students are studying the life cycle of a salmon.

Hard to believe we are already in week 4!  Have a great one!  Contact me with any questions!

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