Monday, October 1, 2012

Angelville News October 1-5th 2012

Week 5

Here we go with some more wonderful weather!!  LOVE IT!!

We had a fabulous field trip last week to the King Tut Exhibit.  I will post the pictures this week on the blog.  The kids were AWESOME as were the Chaperone's.  Thank you all for a great day!

*Non uniform dress this Friday
*Continue to check your students planner and binder each night.  If your student has late work or missing work I will email you.  I will not continue to ask for the late work.  If the work does not show up it will go into my grade book as a Zero.

In Writing this week we will continue to write stories for each student's personal Newspaper.  I need a picture of your student's Hero as well as one of your student, or student with family etc.  These pictures you will not get back in the same form.

In 4th grade math we have been working solving story problems.  We will continue with story problems and go into multiplication.  It is imperative that your student knows his/her multiplication facts for memory.  We will be working on multiplying 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers and two digit by two digit.

In Religion we will finish up with the 7 Sacraments this week and there will be a test on Friday over the Sacraments.

In Social Studies we are studying the 5 Regions of Washington.  The students will also get a new Studies Weekly Newspaper, Did Washington have Dinosaurs?  In our Geography this week we are learning about Grid Maps.

 3/4 Science-- The students worked hard to demonstrate what they learned by creating a poster about the salmon life cycle. The students worked in groups to show the habitat, predators and prey during each stage of the cycle. Check out the posters on display outside of our classrooms. Next, students will study life cycles of other animals and begin some of the lessons from our Sun, Moon and Stars unit. We will also be reading our National Geographic magazine.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

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