Monday, October 29, 2012

Angelville News October 28-November 2, 2012


*Tomorrow is our field trip to ‘The Farm.’  I do not have all of the permission slips in, nor the $6 to participate while at the farm (I have 7 permission slips with money, I have an additional 3 slips with no money).  If I do not get your child’s permission slip or money by tomorrow, your student will not be able to attend the field trip and will remain at school.
This is also a non uniform day.  The students are asked to dress warm with boots, jackets, hats, and gloves if need be.  This is an out door field trip.  We will leave school around 10:00am and return before the end of the day.
Students also need to bring a sack lunch and drink, as we will be eating at ‘The Farm.’  If you have any questions concerning the field trip please email me at  I do not have access to my school web mail once I leave the building, but can get my gmail.

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Complete all of the TFK, worksheets and questions in the magazine.
3). Spelling Unit 9 this week, all 4 pages!
*Non uniform Tuesday, Wednesday (orange and black day), and Friday!!

In Religion this week we will begin to learn and understand the 10 commandments.  Today with my class we did worked on one of the Habits of Mind for this year, Wonderment and Awe, all students had to come up with an experience they have had where they had Wonderment and Awe.  Some of your students are bringing that paper home tonight.

In 4th grade Math this week we will continue with our long division.  At our conferences I did tell some of the parents that the checkpoints that are timed are not factored into your student's math grade.  I was wrong!  After my math seminar on Friday I learned that these are skills all of the students need to memory.  I will continue to work with the students on memorizing their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Here are a few websites that may help you at home
1), (at home page type in what you are looking for, ex. multiplication facts, flashcards etc.

On Friday my LA students will have a noun test.

In Social Studies we will continue to learn about the election and some issues that are being debated between the two candidates.

*We are having a little Halloween party in our class on Wednesday during math from 10:30-noon!  

Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you!!

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