Monday, October 22, 2012

Angelville News, October 22-26, 2012

Conference Week
A special thanks to Gracie for her very thoughtful gift today.  I love it,  thank you Gracie!!!

*Conferences will be held this week on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25.
*Friday is a teacher development day and no school.

*Tuesday afternoon/evening is SCARY CAKE night and a movie.  See the school website for details.
*Monday, October 29 there will be a NOUN test for my students not in MSL!

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Studies Weekly Newspapers.  Comprehension worksheet #16 and the crossword puzzle in the Newspaper ALL need to be completed
3). Entire Entry task worksheet needs to be completed Monday – Friday.
4). Entire Geography Week 7 packet, Monday –Friday.
5). Longitude and Latitude worksheet 29-30.  We had trouble with Longitude and Latitude last week and so this is extra practice.
*All work will be turned in on Monday the 29th.

3/4 Science
We have started our unit "Sun, Moon and Stars". We have spent some of the last sunny days this month observing how the sun travels across the sky. The students have also read in their science books more in depth about how it is actually the earth moving that causes changes in the sun's position and the length and position of the shadows it creates. Along with the studying the sun, the students are continuing their study of "life cycles". The students are working in pairs or trios, doing research about the lifecycle of a different animal. Each group will create a poster about their animal's life cycle and will share what they learned with their classmates.

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