Wednesday, November 28, 2012


4th Graders have a math and Religion tests tomorrow, Thursday, November 29th.  

The math test is over standard multiplication and division algorithm.

Religion is over the 10 Commandments.

End of the 1st Trimester ends on Friday!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Angelville News November 26-30, 2012

Week 13

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!  We have come to the last week in November, so hard to believe!  We are nearing the end of the first Quarter of school.  Report cards will go home in a few weeks.

We are also approaching our first, One Saturday, on December 8th.  For those of you who are new to the school we help support a food bank and community up in Burlington who are primarily migrant workers.  This is a wonderful opportunity for families and students to travel up to the Catholic Church and serve in the Food Bank (more information on this day will be coming home).  This year each class has decided to make stockings for some of the children in the community.  Our class has decided to fill 10 stockings.  Your student will be coming home with what they have agreed to purchase for stocking.  I recommend the dollar store for many of the items.  If you have any questions about this project please contact me.

Today we began our Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.  You will see reading and comprehension coming home in the next few weeks.  Tomorrow we will begin vocabulary on the first Stave.  The students will also create a Christmas card, one that Scrooge might have sent out over Christmas.  Trivia:  The first Christmas cards came out in 1843.

4th grade Religion will have a 10 Commandments test on Thursday.  We will then begin our Advent unit.  We may have one of the Postulates in our room for Religion on Tuesday's and Thursday's.

4th grade math continues to work on multiplication and division standard algorithm.  There will be a multiplication/division quiz on Thursday.

Hope all have a wonderful week!  Four weeks until Christmas Break!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Science and the Moon

3/4 Science
Students were given a night sky log on Monday to observe the moon this week. Please return this week's log on Monday after Thanksgiving. The moon is now rising and setting at a more reasonable hour hour for observation, if only the weather cooperates! Please take advantage of any clear evenings we may have over the next 2 weeks to observe the moon, even if it is on the weekend- take a peek outside!
Thank you!

Angelville News November 19-21, 2012

Week 12

Student story - "It was November 21st and Kate was getting ready for Thanksgiving.  This ought to be the best Thanksgiving ever she thought.  Kate went to the store to get food for the feast.  She looked at one of the Turkey's, but it wasn't good enough, nor were any of the other Turkey's. She thought she would just go to another store for a Turkey, so she bought all of the other food and hauled it back to her house.  She looked in all the other stores she knew of, but she couldn't find a good enough Turkey.  By the time she got home it was time for bed, so she decided she would just get the Turkey tomorrow. The next day, she got so caught up in making her home look great she forgot to get the Turkey!  Her guests started arriving, and pretty soon they had all arrived.  Once everyone was there Kate told them all about forgetting the Turkey.  "It's all right," they all said, "The important thing is that we are all together."  In the end it turned out to be the best Thanksgiving ever!"- Vivian
THANKSGIVING WEEK!!  I want to thank all of the families who participated in the Auction last weekend!  So many of you were generous with your time in helping make the auction a huge success.  

We have a short week!  We will be out of school Wednesday at noon.  

Please come to our Prayer Service in the Auditorium, Wednesday at 10:30am.  Immediately following the Prayer Service the elementary students will perform Thanksgiving songs.  Once each class has finished singing we will all convene in the Cafeteria for our Annual Thanksgiving feast.  All families are welcome to attend and share in this meal with their students.

This year I am very THANKFUL for each one of my students.  I feel blessed to have such a wonderful class.  Thank you for sharing your students with me.  I hope you all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

Miz Schmutz

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Angelville News November 13-16, 201

Week 11

First, I want to apologize for the late BLOG!

Second, when I see greatness in my students I have to share.  Currently we are working on Advice Articles in Writers Workshop.  This is a very different kind of writing that the students have not experienced before.  The students have chosen topics to write about and this week we have been working on the Intros to their Advice Articles.  This Intro I just loved!  And makes me a very happy teacher when I see that my students are really getting it.......

"Audrey has a problem, her favorite cat, Henry, has fur balls.  Henry goes outside a lot and that does not help.  There's going to be a cat show on Tuesday, just two days away.  The winner will get a trophy.  Audrey and her cat need to win, but Henry has fur balls, and they would never let Henry in the cat show with fur balls.  How is Audrey going to get Henry into the cat show?" WOW!  AWESOME!

*This Saturday night, St. Al's will celebrate our Galla Auction event.  I am hoping to see all of you there.  The class art project this year is OUTSTANDING!
*Next week is a short week.  We have two full days and then our traditional Thanksgiving feast where all are welcome to attend.  Lunch begins at 11am.  Our time to eat is about 11:20am.  Please come and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with your student in our cafeteria.  Please also read the email from our room moms about helping serve food.  School will dismiss Wednesday at noon.  If you would like to take your student earlier please visit the office and get an exit slip to bring to me so that I know you have taken your student.

I am going to begin a whole class book read.  The book that I have chosen is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  This is a higher level book, but nearing the Christmas season, a good one.  I will walk the students through this book for full understanding of Ebenezer Scrooges eerie encounters with special visitors and the transformation he goes through.  I will start the book after Thanksgiving break and we will finish it before Christmas, ending in watching the movie.  If you have concerns about reading this book please let me know before Monday, November 6.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Angelville News November 5-9, 2012


WOW!  It's hard to believe that we are already into November.  We started our canned FOOD DRIVE today!  Please send food with your students to school.  Being a Steward for Others is helping those less fortunate than ourselves.  As we begin to enter into the holiday season it is also a time for giving, this is one way we can share our treasures with others in need.

Another less exciting announcement is that we have cases of head lice in the school.  Keeping all hair pulled up and back is best.  There are some natural products for preventative measures out there.  I know that Tea Tree Shampoo is a preventative one.  I also heard one teacher say something about a product called "Lice knowing you."  My head itches just writing about it.

I have signed the 4th graders up for a Catholic Math League Competition across the country.  There will be 4 tests taken over the course of the year.  We will compete against other Catholic School.  Results of tests will be posted on  I will send home a release form tomorrow giving permission for your student's results to be posted on line.  If you do not want your student's name posted on this site, they will go in as student X.  The only people who will have access to the scores and results on line are the teachers involved.  We will take our first test tomorrow:), the students are very excited!!  Top students will receive certificates and prizes in the Spring.

This week in Religion we will study the 10 Commandments.  Next week we will be observed by a woman from the Archdiocese in our Religion class.  Mrs. Innes spoke about her in her newsletter last week.  I am hoping to begin the 8 Beatitudes for this visit.

In Social Studies we are working on posters called "5 Themes of ME."  This is in direct correlation to the 5 Themes of Geography that we began to study last week.  This is a fun way for the students to understand each Theme (location, place, movement, regions, and human interaction with the environment), in relation to each one of them, where they live and where they come from.

Tomorrow we have another Author Visit, Obert Skye.  I sent home forms last week if any student wanted to buy a book.  Please bring those in tomorrow if you'd like for your student to get a signed copy of his book.  Fill free to join us in the auditorium at 10:45am of you would like to hear from a real live author.

3/4 Science
We have studied the sun and will begin to study the moon, as a part of our "Sun, Moon and Stars" FOSS science unit. Students will learn about the phases of the moon and will be asked to keep a daily observation log of the moon. We will observe the moon as it changes over the month. Students will be given a "Night Sky Log" on Mondays and are asked to return it on Fridays. Each week night they will need to draw and write about what they observe in the night sky. If the moon is not visible due to cloudy skies, students should still record what they see. Students are also continuing to work on their life cycle reports in class. They have been engaged in making posters and finding facts to present to their classmates.

~Sherry Weber 

Have a great week!  Mrs. Weber will be teaching Thursday and Friday of this week!!