Monday, November 5, 2012

Angelville News November 5-9, 2012


WOW!  It's hard to believe that we are already into November.  We started our canned FOOD DRIVE today!  Please send food with your students to school.  Being a Steward for Others is helping those less fortunate than ourselves.  As we begin to enter into the holiday season it is also a time for giving, this is one way we can share our treasures with others in need.

Another less exciting announcement is that we have cases of head lice in the school.  Keeping all hair pulled up and back is best.  There are some natural products for preventative measures out there.  I know that Tea Tree Shampoo is a preventative one.  I also heard one teacher say something about a product called "Lice knowing you."  My head itches just writing about it.

I have signed the 4th graders up for a Catholic Math League Competition across the country.  There will be 4 tests taken over the course of the year.  We will compete against other Catholic School.  Results of tests will be posted on  I will send home a release form tomorrow giving permission for your student's results to be posted on line.  If you do not want your student's name posted on this site, they will go in as student X.  The only people who will have access to the scores and results on line are the teachers involved.  We will take our first test tomorrow:), the students are very excited!!  Top students will receive certificates and prizes in the Spring.

This week in Religion we will study the 10 Commandments.  Next week we will be observed by a woman from the Archdiocese in our Religion class.  Mrs. Innes spoke about her in her newsletter last week.  I am hoping to begin the 8 Beatitudes for this visit.

In Social Studies we are working on posters called "5 Themes of ME."  This is in direct correlation to the 5 Themes of Geography that we began to study last week.  This is a fun way for the students to understand each Theme (location, place, movement, regions, and human interaction with the environment), in relation to each one of them, where they live and where they come from.

Tomorrow we have another Author Visit, Obert Skye.  I sent home forms last week if any student wanted to buy a book.  Please bring those in tomorrow if you'd like for your student to get a signed copy of his book.  Fill free to join us in the auditorium at 10:45am of you would like to hear from a real live author.

3/4 Science
We have studied the sun and will begin to study the moon, as a part of our "Sun, Moon and Stars" FOSS science unit. Students will learn about the phases of the moon and will be asked to keep a daily observation log of the moon. We will observe the moon as it changes over the month. Students will be given a "Night Sky Log" on Mondays and are asked to return it on Fridays. Each week night they will need to draw and write about what they observe in the night sky. If the moon is not visible due to cloudy skies, students should still record what they see. Students are also continuing to work on their life cycle reports in class. They have been engaged in making posters and finding facts to present to their classmates.

~Sherry Weber 

Have a great week!  Mrs. Weber will be teaching Thursday and Friday of this week!!

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