Monday, December 10, 2012

Angelville New, December 10-14, 2012

Week 15

I want to thank all of those who donated to the One Saturday stockings.  The children were very happy to receive your generous gifts.  Thanks to my room moms for helping me get that all put together.  I also want to thank both 3/4 room moms for pricing all of our items sold in the class store.  We had our first 'store' on Thursday and I believe it was a great success.  The kids had a blast.  We will probably have store again early February.

Our ROCK STAR this week is Brynne!

*Spelling Unit 15
*Reading log
*MSL work
(we will not have a TFK or a Studies Weekly.  We are working hard to finish, A Christmas Carol, so you may see some of that work this week.  Today the students were assigned Stave II vocab.  That would be the second section of the book vocabulary, they have this).

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday the 11:  Report Cards go home.  Please be patient with this first time sending home the new report card format.  It is new to all of us and has been a learning curve.:)
Thursday the 13 - Red and Green Day

Friday the 14th - Prayer Assembly at 8:45, Holiday Hoopla so bring spare change, and both 3/4 classes will taking a walking trip to Ballard Manor to Christmas Carol with the music teacher Mrs. Sur.  Permission slips went home today.  If you would like to help chaperon this even please check the box at bottom of permission slip indicating that you can.  Thank You!

3/4 Science

We have finished up our study of animal life cycles. Students researched animals and created posters to help share their research with their classmates. Students became "experts" on their animals and we have all learned some fascinating facts about the life cycles of salamanders, butterflies, dragonflies, frogs, sea turtles, ants, chickens and lady bugs. We now continue to focus on our "Sun, Moon and Stars" unit. Thank you to the families who supported their student in observing the night sky over the last month. We will now delve into learning the names of the phases of the moon and modeling the Earth and moon's rotation with a light bulb and styrofoam balls. Students will be able to understand how the position of the sun, Earth and moon produce the cycle of the moon. We will also study the stars and planets.

Friday night BINGO!

Have a great week!  We are two weeks out, but I don't say that too loud..

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