Monday, December 17, 2012

Angelville News, December 17-21, 2012

Week 16

Dear 3/4 West Families,

I walked into church this weekend at Holy Rosary in Edmond's and the Vestibule floor was almost completely covered with gifts from our Charlie Brown giving tree.  This is the message of Christmas, we can all be messengers of HOPE for others!! I shed a happy tear, it was clearly amazing to see so many gifts for those in need.

I'm sure the tragedy and senseless act of violence in Connecticut is weighing on all of our minds.  As a teacher it hits to the core.  We all want to protect and keep our children safe.  Please know that we at St. Alphonsus take every precaution to run a safe and secure school.  I plan on speaking with the children today about the event and letting them express any concerns or fears they might have.  I know that my daughter was a bit hesitant about returning to school today.  We want all of our children to feel safe and secure and at the same time be able to communicate any fears they might have. It is also all of our responsibilities to report any kind of activity around the school that looks weird or out of place.  At mass in Edmond's this weekend, Father spoke of the tragedy, he also told a story of a time when the principal called him because two parents were fighting in the hall at school.  He told her to call the police, she didn't feel like she could do that since they were parents of the school.  Father said, "What if one of them has a gun?"  She called the police.   One example of always doing what's best in order to protect our students.

I am not going to give any homework packet outside of what we are doing in class.
*Thursday is Red and Green Day

*This week we will focus on finishing A Christmas Carol.  There will be a test over the book Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon we will have a Christmas party.  We will watch the Christmas Carol movie, have popcorn, hot cocoa, and Christmas cookies.

*4th grade Religion Students will have an Advent quiz on Wednesday.  Thursday during Religion there is the opportunity for all of the students to go to confession.

I hope you all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!  You all will be in my prayers!  Until Next year, Miz Schmutz

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