Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Angelville News, January 22-25

Week 19

Dear Families,

A huge thanks to all of my Chaperone's who helped with the Burke Museum field trip.  It was a great trip and fun to eat with all of the college students in the UW commons!!

This week I will not be sending home any homework, as it is vital that all of the students are working on their Native American Projects.  These projects are due next Thursday, January 31.  The students will be presenting these projects on Thursday and the following Monday, Feb. 4th.  All of the students received a very detailed print out of the project, expectations, time line, and rubric.  Please make sure that you have seen this packet, or ask your student to see it.  If your student can not find their packet please see to getting a new one ASAP!

4th Grade Math/Religion - there is a math test on Thursday the 24 over chapter 6 in their math book (measurement).  There will also be a religion quiz.  We are learning about the School Wide Learning Expectations (SLE's).  The quiz will be over the 2nd SLE, A Life Long Learner who:

Progress Reports - these will go home next Tuesday, Jan. 29.  Please bear with us as we continue to work out the kinks on this new grading program.

OPEN HOUSE- This Sunday is our school's Open House.  We will celebrate in a school mass at 10am and the Open House will follow immediately until 1pm.  Student work will be on display in the school if you want to stop by and take a look!  The week to follow is Catholic School's week!  Each day will be a different dress up day.  During that week the students will take part in a service project as well as a retreat put on by Fr. Shane and the Sisters.

Please continue to check your student's planner.  This is the best way to see what your student is doing and a communication tool between school and home.  Thank You!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Angelville News, January 14-18, 2013

Week 18
(We are half way there, hard to believe)

Dear Families,

We will be taking a field trip to the Burke Museum this coming Friday.  Please make sure that your student brings in their form and money for this trip.  We will need parent drivers.  If you believe you can drive, please let me know ASAP.

This week we are talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the peaceful marches he lead (no school on Monday, Jan. 21 in honor of MLK).  He believed that peace could be won with love not war.  Our TFK focuses on MLK and we will complete this in class, it will not come home in the homework packet.  We will also not have a Geography weekly this week.  We are working on personal narratives and getting them typed up.  The students do have a new Studies Weekly on the Coastal Indians, but most of this reading and work will be done in class.

Please see that your student reads each night and that you are signing their logs.  Please also make sure that you are sending your student to school with proper warm clothing.  It is very cold outside these days.  If I do not feel as though your child has enough warmth on I will have them remain in the building for recess.  Please also make sure that your student is coming to school in proper uniform attire.  Mrs. Innes has asked that the students are in mass attire each and every Tuesday.

We are getting ready for our annual Open House, Sunday, January, 27th.  Student work will be on display. Fill free to stop in and see your student's work.

Please continue to keep Mrs. Innes in you prayers as she is on bed rest until the baby comes, she is due in the beginning of Feb..  She has been a great leader this year, and we are lucky to have her.


Miz Schmutz

Monday, January 7, 2013

Angelville News Jan. 7-11, 2012

Bon Dia
Week 17

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you all had a restful and exciting Holiday Season!  I did and I am glad to be back with the students.

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). The students will have homework each night in their Studies Weekly Newspaper.  This will be assigned each day in class.  Some may complete this work and not have to bring it home at night.  We have begun a SS unit on the first Native Americans in Washington.
3). Spelling Unit 17 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)

*We are all off to a good start, it’s a New Year and many of the students have New Year Resolutions.  We will be writing those down tomorrow and posting them up on our board in the hall!!

This week we are focusing on Writers Workshop Personal Narratives.  The students are all thinking of a seed story that they can begin to brainstorm a time line for.  A Seed story is a smaller idea that can grow.  They are all drawing from their vacation break to begin ideas.  You may see some writing coming home this week.  I am not sending home a packet, more or less you will see extra reading and writing to be done at home.

In my Religion Class we will begin the 'Student Wide Learning Expectations'.

In 4th grade math we continue to work on Measurement and the Steps to word problems.  The students will take a measurement test in two weeks.  

Have a great week!