Week 19
Dear Families,
A huge thanks to all of my Chaperone's who helped with the Burke Museum field trip. It was a great trip and fun to eat with all of the college students in the UW commons!!
This week I will not be sending home any homework, as it is vital that all of the students are working on their Native American Projects. These projects are due next Thursday, January 31. The students will be presenting these projects on Thursday and the following Monday, Feb. 4th. All of the students received a very detailed print out of the project, expectations, time line, and rubric. Please make sure that you have seen this packet, or ask your student to see it. If your student can not find their packet please see to getting a new one ASAP!
4th Grade Math/Religion - there is a math test on Thursday the 24 over chapter 6 in their math book (measurement). There will also be a religion quiz. We are learning about the School Wide Learning Expectations (SLE's). The quiz will be over the 2nd SLE, A Life Long Learner who:
Progress Reports - these will go home next Tuesday, Jan. 29. Please bear with us as we continue to work out the kinks on this new grading program.
OPEN HOUSE- This Sunday is our school's Open House. We will celebrate in a school mass at 10am and the Open House will follow immediately until 1pm. Student work will be on display in the school if you want to stop by and take a look! The week to follow is Catholic School's week! Each day will be a different dress up day. During that week the students will take part in a service project as well as a retreat put on by Fr. Shane and the Sisters.
Please continue to check your student's planner. This is the best way to see what your student is doing and a communication tool between school and home. Thank You!!
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