Monday, January 14, 2013

Angelville News, January 14-18, 2013

Week 18
(We are half way there, hard to believe)

Dear Families,

We will be taking a field trip to the Burke Museum this coming Friday.  Please make sure that your student brings in their form and money for this trip.  We will need parent drivers.  If you believe you can drive, please let me know ASAP.

This week we are talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the peaceful marches he lead (no school on Monday, Jan. 21 in honor of MLK).  He believed that peace could be won with love not war.  Our TFK focuses on MLK and we will complete this in class, it will not come home in the homework packet.  We will also not have a Geography weekly this week.  We are working on personal narratives and getting them typed up.  The students do have a new Studies Weekly on the Coastal Indians, but most of this reading and work will be done in class.

Please see that your student reads each night and that you are signing their logs.  Please also make sure that you are sending your student to school with proper warm clothing.  It is very cold outside these days.  If I do not feel as though your child has enough warmth on I will have them remain in the building for recess.  Please also make sure that your student is coming to school in proper uniform attire.  Mrs. Innes has asked that the students are in mass attire each and every Tuesday.

We are getting ready for our annual Open House, Sunday, January, 27th.  Student work will be on display. Fill free to stop in and see your student's work.

Please continue to keep Mrs. Innes in you prayers as she is on bed rest until the baby comes, she is due in the beginning of Feb..  She has been a great leader this year, and we are lucky to have her.


Miz Schmutz

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