Monday, February 11, 2013

Angelville News, February 11-14

Week 22
February 11-14, 2013

Dear Parents,
Valentines Day is on Thursday.  We will have a little party in the afternoon.  A movie and cupcakes.  I sent home tonight a copy of all the students names in both 3/4 Classes.  I told the students that they do not have to make Valentines for the 3/4 East class.  But if they do decide to make Valentines for our class I ask that they make one for every student.

We will be having mass on Wednesday instead for Tuesday for Ash Wednesday at 9am.

The students did a great job on their Native American projects!  WAY TO GO!!!

Many students are going on Vacation.  Please let me know again if you will need work.  I've done my best to plan for the next two weeks.  

No School on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th.

*SLE quiz on Tuesday for 4th graders.  All 4 SLE's quiz on Thursday.

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). TFK –More for Lunch
3). Spelling Unit 22 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)
*No SCHOOL on FRIDAY the 15 and MONDAY the 18th.

*All work is due on Thursday, Feb. 14th.

have a nice few days off,  Miz Schmutz

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