Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Angelville News, February 19-22, 2013


Dear Families,
Hoping everyone had a nice relaxing mini break.  I see that some students have been kissed by the sun!  Very fun!!

I will not be in school this Thursday or next Monday and Tuesday.  I have to go to Spokane.  Mrs. Weber will be here of me on Thursday and her mother, Mrs. Kopf will be here for me next Monday and Tuesday.  Some of you may know Mrs. Kofp, and those who don't she worked at St. Alphonsus for many years and is FABULOUS!!  The students will enjoy her!

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). Studies Weekly #11 Lewis and Clark. Wkst and crossword
3). Spelling Unit 23 this week, all 4 pages! (Not MSL students)

Work is due on Friday the 22nd!

*There will be an SLE quiz on all of the Religion SLE's this Thursday.  Miss Julie will also teach a lent lesson to the 4th graders.
*Fourth grade math continues to work with fractions.  This week we will be adding Fractions with like denominators.
*In Social Studies we are reading about Lewis and Clark and their expedition from St. Lewis out west in 1804.  You will see the students bringing home or working on comprehension questions in their Journals.  I am copying all of the pages of the book a few chapters at a time so that you all don't have to hunt down the book.  Those students who were on vacation longer than the two days will need to catch up.  We are now on Chapter 5.  The nice thing is that they are short chapters.  Our next writing assignment will be to write front page news articles about their exploration.  I will introduce this to the students in the next week of so.

Have a great week, its wonderful to see the sun!  Miz Schmutz

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