Monday, April 22, 2013

Angelville News, April 22-26, 2013

Angelville News, April 22-26, 2013

BON DIA ---EARTH DAY (my garden at home)
Week 33

Dear Parents,

WOW!!  What great success on the Literacy/Arts Festival!  Thanks to all of the students who participated in their literacy as well as those who performed.  I would say we do have some performers in our school!!  Thank you to all those who came and supported St. Al’s and our students!!

On Tuesday, we have a special author visit by Dan Yaccarino.  He has written a children’s story about Jacques Cousteau and his fantastic undersea life.  Since today is Earth Day, we too will begin to write Fantasy Stories about undersea life.  All of the writing we do is in preparation for a final writing assessment that the students will complete.  I will keep you posted as to this date.  It may be as early as next week.

Progress reports will be turned in this coming Friday and sent home next Tuesday.

Fourth grade Religion students will begin to learn about the Beatitudes this week.  We also continue with the Unit of Geometry as I know that the 3rd graders are also studying this unit.

Spelling Unit 33
*You may see the Fantasy Story coming home if your student seems to need some added support.

Have a Happy and Sunny Week J  Miz Schmutz

Monday, April 15, 2013

Angelville News, April 15-19, 2013

Week 31

Good Morning Families,

There are many reminders to share in this weeks BLOG!  First off, a big round of applause goes out to my class for their job well done on our Prayer Service!  I saw many parents that came out to support them.  This means so much to the students to have their families there, so thank you!
Last week we had the opportunity to return our little Salmon creatures back to their natural habitat at Carkeek Park.  Many prayers were said as they make their long journey out into the Puget Sound.  Such a very small few will ever live a full life where they in a few years will return to Pipers Creek to spawn where a new salmon cycle begins.  We had many volunteers on this trip and I want to thank all of you for your time and support.

Wednesday:  Literacy/Arts Festival, 6-8pm, the 3/4 class is to have all of their book boards already turned in.  Last Friday was the due date.   These will be on display throughout the school Wednesday night, along with poetry books they have been working on and Onomatopoeias'.  There will also be a stage set up in the cafeteria where Literacy performances will take place.  Our 3/4 class will be singing and performing a few Readers Theaters.  Please have your student there.  Students who wear their uniforms will receive a free dress ticket from their teacher.
Class picture day, wear uniforms!!

Friday: BINGO night, kitchen opens at 6:30pm

we will be finishing up our poems this week for our Literacy Festival.

4th grade math students did really well on their Fraction/Decimal unit final.  We now begin Geometry this week.

In Social Studies we will begin to study Westward Expansion/Oregon Trail.  Our Language Arts will couple with this unit of study.

4th grade Religion students will begin a chapter on the Beatitudes, coupled with an Art project depicting their Beatitude.

Upcoming: is Arbor Day April 22nd.

If you have any questions please contact me at

Thank you, and have a great week.  Pray for SUN :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Angelville News, April 8-12, 2012


Good Day families,

I must apologize about not getting the news out until now.  But here it is..............

First, I want to welcome everyone back to school.  We have been very busy here already this week in 3/4 West because we have lots coming up.

FRIDAY APRIL 12: Our Prayer Service in the Church, please join us as all of the students will participate in this service. 8:55am

WEDNESDAY APRIL 17: Our very first bi-annual Literacy/Arts Festival.  From 6-8pm in the school.  The students will have their work on display throughout the school.  All of my students will also be preforming in song or Reader's Theatre skits on stage that night.  I am hoping they will all be here.  This is a great way to see what your students have been doing, and a nice way to highlight their hard work.  If they come in uniform they will receive a FREE-DRESS coupon to use when they choose.

We have been working hard on poetry and stories these past few weeks.  There is no Homework packet going home this week as their BOOK BOARDS are due on Friday, April 12.  These will also be on display in the school of the Literacy/Arts Festival.

If you have any questions please contact me,