Monday, April 22, 2013

Angelville News, April 22-26, 2013

Angelville News, April 22-26, 2013

BON DIA ---EARTH DAY (my garden at home)
Week 33

Dear Parents,

WOW!!  What great success on the Literacy/Arts Festival!  Thanks to all of the students who participated in their literacy as well as those who performed.  I would say we do have some performers in our school!!  Thank you to all those who came and supported St. Al’s and our students!!

On Tuesday, we have a special author visit by Dan Yaccarino.  He has written a children’s story about Jacques Cousteau and his fantastic undersea life.  Since today is Earth Day, we too will begin to write Fantasy Stories about undersea life.  All of the writing we do is in preparation for a final writing assessment that the students will complete.  I will keep you posted as to this date.  It may be as early as next week.

Progress reports will be turned in this coming Friday and sent home next Tuesday.

Fourth grade Religion students will begin to learn about the Beatitudes this week.  We also continue with the Unit of Geometry as I know that the 3rd graders are also studying this unit.

Spelling Unit 33
*You may see the Fantasy Story coming home if your student seems to need some added support.

Have a Happy and Sunny Week J  Miz Schmutz

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