Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Angelville News, April 8-12, 2012


Good Day families,

I must apologize about not getting the news out until now.  But here it is..............

First, I want to welcome everyone back to school.  We have been very busy here already this week in 3/4 West because we have lots coming up.

FRIDAY APRIL 12: Our Prayer Service in the Church, please join us as all of the students will participate in this service. 8:55am

WEDNESDAY APRIL 17: Our very first bi-annual Literacy/Arts Festival.  From 6-8pm in the school.  The students will have their work on display throughout the school.  All of my students will also be preforming in song or Reader's Theatre skits on stage that night.  I am hoping they will all be here.  This is a great way to see what your students have been doing, and a nice way to highlight their hard work.  If they come in uniform they will receive a FREE-DRESS coupon to use when they choose.

We have been working hard on poetry and stories these past few weeks.  There is no Homework packet going home this week as their BOOK BOARDS are due on Friday, April 12.  These will also be on display in the school of the Literacy/Arts Festival.

If you have any questions please contact me,

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