Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Angelville News, May 28-31, 2013

Week 37


I heard that Grandparents Day was a success and that the Grandparents/Grand friends truly enjoyed themselves.  This is wonderful!!

Upcoming Events:
*HOME WORK this week will be done in class.  If your student does not use their time wisely in class you will see work coming home to be completed.
*MSL is something that comes home each day to be worked on for Mrs. Corr

Thursday 30: 4th graders will take their Geometry final test
Thursday 30: RED/WHITE/BLUE day.  This is the official Memorial Day.  The students can wear these colors to school to honor those who have fallen before us in war.

Thursday June 6: 4th graders will take their final Math Cumulative Test for the year.  They will also take their Beatitudes test.
Thursday June 6: 7pm in the gym Jr. Olympics Concert.  Please meet in the classrooms at 6:45pm and we will walk over as a class.
Friday June 7: Jr. Olympics DAY!!  The students may come in their flag colors and scarfs that they will be making prior to the concert.  11:30am our Jr. Olympics walk around the world feast will begin.  Family members are welcome to join.  Very similar to our Thanksgiving feast idea.  School will be dismissed at noon this day.

I am in the process of completing Reading Assessments for all students.  I am also in the process of grading their final Writing Assessments of the year.  Once finished with both of those I will send these reports home at the end of the year with their Report Cards.

I want to thank Kate Rappe and Lisa Mac for helping with the Jr. Olympics costume project and emailing about the food.  We are JAMAICA this year.  Our colors are BLACK/GREEN/YELLOW.  I ask that your student come to the Jr. Olympic concert in these colors.  If your students does not have one of these colors, white can supplement.  Please email Kate or Lisa if you are able to help with the Jamaican food, either making or serving.  Thank you all so very much!!
Kate - kate@cmykate.com
Lisa - lisa-macomber@msn.com

Monday, May 20, 2013

Angelville News, May 20-24, 2013

Week 36


I want to thank all of our families and students who helped with One Saturday this past weekend.  All of the baby supplies that were brought in were shared with families in need.  We have a few things coming up here in the next week...............


Tuesday:  CRASH musical at the Seattle Center.  We will leave school on the city bus about 10:15 and return home by 2:30 back to school.  Please pack a paper lunch that can be thrown away.  IF your child has not filled in a field trip form please do so by tomorrow or your student will remain at school.

Wednesday: Early release at 2:15pm, teacher meetings.

Friday: 1/2 day, GRANDPARENTS DAY!  If your child would like to bring a grandparent or special someone please have them fill our a form and return to the office if they have not already done so.  This performance will begin about 10:30 in the gym.  The students will then have time to eat cake with their special person and show them around the school.  School will dismiss at noon.  If your student would like to go home earlier with their special person this will need to be cleared through the office.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY THE 27th - Memorial Day!!

Spelling pages 224-227
Reading Log

Have a great week!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Angelville News May 13-17, 2013

Bon Dia
Week 35

Dear Families,

This week we will begin ITBS Testing.  It is very important that your student has lots of sleep and is fed well in the morning.  I am ok with your student bringing in lots of snack for the week.  I will provide gum for the students who choose to chew gum during testing.

There will be no homework packet going home.  They will have MSL and Spelling to work on in class.  If you have any questions please contact me.

3/4 Science:
We have been working on a "Magnetism and Electricity" unit. The students have had many hands-on experiences exploring the properties of magnetism and have recently discovered how to create a circuit in order to light a light bulb.

On Friday, May 17, at 2:00, the 3/4 classes will have a guest speaker, Michael Foster, speaking to us about "Climate Reality". This goes along with our efforts to protect the environment with our school recycling and garden projects. Parents are welcome to join.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Angelville News May 6-10, 2013


Dear Families,
We have a few important announcements this week.  One is that there is lice in our classroom.  The students that we know have lice have or are getting this taken care of.  Please take a few minutes tonight to check your students head.  The school is looking at bringing in a few nurses to check all elementary students.

Next week we will begin our ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) testing.  The 3 and 4th graders will be taking this test Tuesday-Friday in the mornings.  It is crucial that your student is well rested and fed this next week.  Mrs. Connell will conduct the 3rd grade testing as I will conduct the 4th grade testing.  We will not have a homework packet going home this week due to the testing.

If you have any questions about the testing please let me know.

Last week the students wrote Underwater Fantasy Stories in correlation with an author visit we just had two weeks ago.  THEY ARE AWESOME!!  If you get a change please come up to our hall and read some of them.  Last Thursday we also had our final writing assessment.  I will begin grading those today.  I did read quickly through most of them and again, was super impressed.  These will not be coming home but will travel in a portfolio with your student to the next grade.  If you would like a copy of their writing please let me know and I will make a copy for you.  

Week 34
May 6-10, 2013

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!  STILL!!
2). Spelling Unit 35
3). MSL

Work is due on Friday, May 10!
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our MOMS!!  WHOOP WHOOP!!