Monday, May 20, 2013

Angelville News, May 20-24, 2013

Week 36


I want to thank all of our families and students who helped with One Saturday this past weekend.  All of the baby supplies that were brought in were shared with families in need.  We have a few things coming up here in the next week...............


Tuesday:  CRASH musical at the Seattle Center.  We will leave school on the city bus about 10:15 and return home by 2:30 back to school.  Please pack a paper lunch that can be thrown away.  IF your child has not filled in a field trip form please do so by tomorrow or your student will remain at school.

Wednesday: Early release at 2:15pm, teacher meetings.

Friday: 1/2 day, GRANDPARENTS DAY!  If your child would like to bring a grandparent or special someone please have them fill our a form and return to the office if they have not already done so.  This performance will begin about 10:30 in the gym.  The students will then have time to eat cake with their special person and show them around the school.  School will dismiss at noon.  If your student would like to go home earlier with their special person this will need to be cleared through the office.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY THE 27th - Memorial Day!!

Spelling pages 224-227
Reading Log

Have a great week!!

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