Monday, May 13, 2013

Angelville News May 13-17, 2013

Bon Dia
Week 35

Dear Families,

This week we will begin ITBS Testing.  It is very important that your student has lots of sleep and is fed well in the morning.  I am ok with your student bringing in lots of snack for the week.  I will provide gum for the students who choose to chew gum during testing.

There will be no homework packet going home.  They will have MSL and Spelling to work on in class.  If you have any questions please contact me.

3/4 Science:
We have been working on a "Magnetism and Electricity" unit. The students have had many hands-on experiences exploring the properties of magnetism and have recently discovered how to create a circuit in order to light a light bulb.

On Friday, May 17, at 2:00, the 3/4 classes will have a guest speaker, Michael Foster, speaking to us about "Climate Reality". This goes along with our efforts to protect the environment with our school recycling and garden projects. Parents are welcome to join.

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