Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Week 20
January 26, 2009
Thanks to all of the parents who helped put on a wonderful Open House. We had a great turn-out and are very happy about it!
Progress reports come home today.
Catholic Schools week - Wed dress - character, Thurs. dress- Hawaiian, Friday dress - Blue and White
Next Friday, Feb. 6th will be our Spelling Bee off. Serafima, and Nicholas our are challengers, and Sammy is our alternate. WAY TO GO KIDS!!
Thursday, Feb. 5th our class will be taking part in an assemble put on by Seattle City Lights called SHRINKING BIGFOOT. This assembly will introduce our students to the concepts of global warming, climate change, and how energy use contributes to global warming. It is my goal to create an awareness in our school community and put into place ways in which we can all live with a smaller footprint. If you would like to join us the assembly will be from 9-9:30am in the auditorium.
Reading: We continue to work in our book clubs, we will be wrapping up 2 books in the next week. Encourage your children to read their book to you.
Science: Physical Science, 2.5 Burning Question, and 2.6 Electricity
Social Studies: Wrapping up Chapter 3 in the book. Our Chapter 3 test will be on Friday. We took notes from our reading today and completed a worksheet. They have the rest of the week to study for the test.
Math: We continue to work with long division, two digit multiplication and mental math to solve problems.
Religion: Forgiving others and our Vocation to the World.
English: Adjectives
*Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions. I hope everyone received in the planners the typed note I sent home last week. Very important to continue to check planners to see what your students are completing and what they are not completing in school.
Enjoy your last week of January in 2009, hard to believe!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


January 23, 2008
This comes a few days too late! I did not send out a weekly news letter this week. It was a short week and I had been busy getting ready for the Open House this weekend and progress reports. If you and your child come to mass this Sunday at 10am and they wear their uniform they will get a non-uniform day. Please join us at mass, and bring anyone who might be interested in St. Al's.
Enjoy your weekends! I see the sun out for the first time amongst all of the fog we have had. Yay for blue skies!!! See you Sunday!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Our personal Box Stories have come from children's literature and readings. Each student prior to the Christmas break chose a chapter story to read. We have depicted our stories and their meanings onto our boxes which are currently located outside our classroom. If you get the chance please visit our table of Box Stories.

Geography BEE

This month we entered 2 contestants into the school Geography Bee. These two individuals were chosen based on questions answered correct in a preliminary bee. We are so proud of them and hope that they will follow their passion for Geography into the future.


The class showing off their Folk Tales

Folk Tales

Last week the 4th graders read their Folk Tales aloud to an audience in our class. They should be so proud of their performances.

Monday, January 12, 2009


January 12, 2009
Week 18
I want to Thank all of our moms and dads who came out last Friday in support of the students and their wonderful Folk Tales. I will have them on display for Open House towards the end of the month. I will try my best to get the pics up on the blog this week. I am really looking forward to having my own computer in my room so I can post information on the blog more readily.
We had our mini-Christmas concert today and it was great! The kids were all wonderful!
Friday the 16, Bongo Night in the Cafeteria.
Monday the 19 is Martin Luther King Day, we will have no school!
This week we continue reading in our book clubs. I will rotate working with different groups. In math we are still working with equations and long division. Please continue to work with your children and their multiplication facts. Very important! In Religion we are talking about Jesus Baptism and how we are all called to be God's children and follow in Jesus likeness. We continue our Physical Science Unit this week where we will be focusing on Molecules and Motion and Water Displacement. In English we will be spending some time working on Adjectives and Pronouns. We will also take our Chapter 2 Social Studies Test this week. It has been put off due to the weather last year and we need to complete that chapter so we can move on.
If you have any questions please e-mail me at mizschmutz@gmail.com
Enjoy your week!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Bon Dia

Week 17

January 6, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope all have adjusted to the new year and had a wonderful holiday season with your families. I also want to thank you for the script gifts, and the money that will go to the classroom fund. You all are very thoughtful!


Friday- Our post holiday party - all are welcome to join us at 11:30am in our class for the students Folk Tale story read. After the read we will enjoy Wendy's and the movie Kung Fu Panda in our room. At 2pm we will watch the Geography Bee where Ray and Hanna will be participating. GO TEAM!!

Today is Ray's birthday and we hope you have a very wonderful double digit year! Ray will also be our student of the week, this and next!

I will get that picture of Sammy up as well, I did not forget you Sammy!!

This week we have started a Physical Science Unit. The Unit will carry us through about 7 lessons over the next few weeks. In Religion we talked about the Epiphany and will be creating our own bumper stickers that encourages us to see the good in every person. In math we continue to work with equations/division/multiplication. Please oh Please work with your children on their multiplication facts if they do not have them down pat. Knowing their multiplication facts makes working with equations so much easier. This week in reading we have broken off into 3 different book clubs. We will work on specific strategies within the 6 Traits of Reading. I am very excited about the change!!

BREAKING NEWS.........our document cameras our in and will be up and ready in our classrooms with in the next few weeks. We are thrilled!! This new technology will not only enhance teaching but learning as well!! Thanks to all who supported us teachers in our dream!

Have a great rest of the week :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hope all are adjusting to the New Year!

I wanted to let you know that since we did not have the opportunity to have a party before break we have decided to move our party to this Friday, January 9th.

The students have written Folk Tales that we would like to share with you. You are invited to come to school on Friday at 11:30am to hear their Folk Tales. They have also voted this to be their free dress day, and a PJ day to boot, be it that they went way over their goal for the food drive. Goal was 210items and 276 were brought in. YAY!

Since they did beat their food drive goal by quite a bit I told them that we would have some kind of party. They voted, and we are going to have a Wendy's/Movie party the afternoon of the 9th. Wendy's and Kung Fu Panda beat out all others. They will not need lunch on Friday, just a snack if they choose for the movie. If you have any concerns with this, please let me know ASAP.

Miz Schmutz