Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Week 20
January 26, 2009
Thanks to all of the parents who helped put on a wonderful Open House. We had a great turn-out and are very happy about it!
Progress reports come home today.
Catholic Schools week - Wed dress - character, Thurs. dress- Hawaiian, Friday dress - Blue and White
Next Friday, Feb. 6th will be our Spelling Bee off. Serafima, and Nicholas our are challengers, and Sammy is our alternate. WAY TO GO KIDS!!
Thursday, Feb. 5th our class will be taking part in an assemble put on by Seattle City Lights called SHRINKING BIGFOOT. This assembly will introduce our students to the concepts of global warming, climate change, and how energy use contributes to global warming. It is my goal to create an awareness in our school community and put into place ways in which we can all live with a smaller footprint. If you would like to join us the assembly will be from 9-9:30am in the auditorium.
Reading: We continue to work in our book clubs, we will be wrapping up 2 books in the next week. Encourage your children to read their book to you.
Science: Physical Science, 2.5 Burning Question, and 2.6 Electricity
Social Studies: Wrapping up Chapter 3 in the book. Our Chapter 3 test will be on Friday. We took notes from our reading today and completed a worksheet. They have the rest of the week to study for the test.
Math: We continue to work with long division, two digit multiplication and mental math to solve problems.
Religion: Forgiving others and our Vocation to the World.
English: Adjectives
*Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions. I hope everyone received in the planners the typed note I sent home last week. Very important to continue to check planners to see what your students are completing and what they are not completing in school.
Enjoy your last week of January in 2009, hard to believe!!

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