Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Bon Dia

Week 17

January 6, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope all have adjusted to the new year and had a wonderful holiday season with your families. I also want to thank you for the script gifts, and the money that will go to the classroom fund. You all are very thoughtful!


Friday- Our post holiday party - all are welcome to join us at 11:30am in our class for the students Folk Tale story read. After the read we will enjoy Wendy's and the movie Kung Fu Panda in our room. At 2pm we will watch the Geography Bee where Ray and Hanna will be participating. GO TEAM!!

Today is Ray's birthday and we hope you have a very wonderful double digit year! Ray will also be our student of the week, this and next!

I will get that picture of Sammy up as well, I did not forget you Sammy!!

This week we have started a Physical Science Unit. The Unit will carry us through about 7 lessons over the next few weeks. In Religion we talked about the Epiphany and will be creating our own bumper stickers that encourages us to see the good in every person. In math we continue to work with equations/division/multiplication. Please oh Please work with your children on their multiplication facts if they do not have them down pat. Knowing their multiplication facts makes working with equations so much easier. This week in reading we have broken off into 3 different book clubs. We will work on specific strategies within the 6 Traits of Reading. I am very excited about the change!!

BREAKING NEWS.........our document cameras our in and will be up and ready in our classrooms with in the next few weeks. We are thrilled!! This new technology will not only enhance teaching but learning as well!! Thanks to all who supported us teachers in our dream!

Have a great rest of the week :-)

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